Estimating the age of #mediterranean #pines & their #cones is tricky, as they often produce more than 1 whorl per year!
Pic: #Pinus halepensis. From the bottom upwards: 🔵arrows: 1st whorl of a growing season;🔴&🟢arrows: 2nd & 3rd whorl of the same year. Note the #serotinous #cones in the left pic.
#PlantEcology #PlantScience #fireecology #trees #pinaceae #ecology @wildfirescience
#ecology #pinaceae #trees #fireecology #plantscience #PlantEcology #serotinous #pinus #cones #Pines #mediterranean
#Fire selects sexual #precocity in pines!
Populations of #Pinus halepensis (a #serotinous #pines), subjected to higher frequency of crown fires (short fire interval) produce cones at younger ages than those pops that rarely #burnt
Being precocious in fireprone environments is adaptive because it increases the probability of having a significant seed bank for regeneration when the next fire arrives
#ecology #fireecology #plantecology #evolution #wildfires #mediterranean
#mediterranean #wildfires #evolution #PlantEcology #fireecology #ecology #burnt #Pines #serotinous #pinus #precocity #fire