juli g pausas · @jgpausas
388 followers · 101 posts · Server fediscience.org

Estimating the age of & their is tricky, as they often produce more than 1 whorl per year!

Pic: halepensis. From the bottom upwards: 🔵arrows: 1st whorl of a growing season;🔴&🟢arrows: 2nd & 3rd whorl of the same year. Note the in the left pic.


Article: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10


#ecology #pinaceae #trees #fireecology #plantscience #PlantEcology #serotinous #pinus #cones #Pines #mediterranean

Last updated 2 years ago

juli g pausas · @jgpausas
192 followers · 27 posts · Server fediscience.org

selects sexual in pines! onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10

Populations of halepensis (a ), subjected to higher frequency of crown fires (short fire interval) produce cones at younger ages than those pops that rarely

Being precocious in fireprone environments is adaptive because it increases the probability of having a significant seed bank for regeneration when the next fire arrives

#mediterranean #wildfires #evolution #PlantEcology #fireecology #ecology #burnt #Pines #serotinous #pinus #precocity #fire

Last updated 2 years ago