Me having fun running #SwordsoftheSerpentine at our #rpg club's monthly get together, with some of the players here being newcomers to the #ttrpg hobby (spoiler alert: they had a lot of fun!) @Multiplexer @KevinKulp @pelgranepress #SerpentineRPG #Gumshoe #jdr
#SwordsoftheSerpentine #ttrpg #serpentinerpg #GUMSHOE #rpg #jdr
I've fallen into that #LandingPage rabbit hole, it was doomed to happen eventually, considering @foundryvtt and @dungeonalchemi1's powerful potential. Here's a WIP for my upcoming #SwordsoftheSerpentine campaign, which I hope to launch online in a couple of weeks. @pelgranepress @Multiplexer @KevinKulp #ttrpg #rpg #jdr #SerpentineRPG #Gumshoe
#landingpage #SwordsoftheSerpentine #ttrpg #rpg #jdr #serpentinerpg #GUMSHOE