MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
298 followers · 4890 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

The is difficult to pin down because thats about the only thing that the I had previously worked on.
There was no recurrence of any anxiety in the cross-over with the two drugs.
My gut feeling is that a minimum of 4 weeks (probably 6) is needed to get anything like this into the system.

I get visual migraine (aural migraine) only very occasionally - it's impossible to tell if the is working on that.

#anxiety #sertraline #mirtazapine

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
283 followers · 4309 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

The new antidepressant I've been given - - has been 'interesting'.

I took the first 15mg tablet at 8pm on Wednesday. I then spent 17 of the next 24 hours asleep!

The second dose, last night, doesn't seem, yet, to be having quite such a dramatic effect.

I had some crazy dreams last night, and this morning I feel like I've got flu. That's probably due to the withdrawal from .

Thankfully the are being really good for Mrs Mike

#mirtazapine #sertraline #grandchildren

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
281 followers · 4269 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

Based on yesterday evening's events with our two children we didn't sleep too well.

Today's the day that I swap over antidepressants - last day of and first evening dose of .
This could get interesting!

We're collecting a pair of later - they're staying with us for a couple of days.
This could make it even more interesting!!

In cycling terms it's called 'type 2 fun'.

#sertraline #mirtazapine #grandchildren

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
281 followers · 4229 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

Thanks for the kind wishes after yesterday's moan-fest.

I actually felt a fair bit better by late afternoon, and wasn't as sleepy as I have been of late.

I had a poor night - waking up with flu-like aches, and a foggy head. I was also getting the twitching eyes when I woke up. All withdrawal related.

No today - our teacher is away, so it's , and I've cut some of the grass. I might attack next door's hedge in a bit.

Onwards! Upwards!

#sertraline #taichi #housework

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
281 followers · 4204 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

is happening at reduced speed.

The withdrawal from the isn't going well.
I feel dreadful both physically and mentally.

Mrs Mike is struggling with her arthritis and daughter's issues.

Speaking of which - Daughter is barely communicating. But our son is on the case to take some of the load.

Still, I've had breakfast without throwing up, and done some of the .
Time for a cuppa.

Sorry for moaning

#today #sertraline #housework #mentalhealth

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
265 followers · 3652 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

What a dreadful night!

I've woken up with a headache after a fitful night's sleep where I was having weird dreams every time I dozed off.

My jaw aches from tension, and I've got a bunged up nose.

I'm thinking that I'm suffering with some sort of hay-fever - I don't normally, but have occasionally in the distant past.

I'm also wondering if this isn't doing more harm than good. I feel a GP appointment coming on.

Thunderstorms are forecast for later today.

#today #sertraline

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
261 followers · 3567 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

I originally started for but then daughter's got much worse and the GP advised increasing the dose to deal with my new symptoms of .

I now want to come off the stuff as it makes me feel unwell and the depression is pretty much under control, but I think it's worked for anxiety.

Having a sensible (that's face to face) discussion with a GP is almost impossible at our surgery - they love their telephone consultations.


#sertraline #anxiety #EUPD #depression #mentalhealth #bpd

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
261 followers · 3567 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

Over the last few days I've changed my from a morning dose to a bedtime tablet to try to avoid the daytime dozies.
It seems to be working, but my cat is waking me up for food - it was just after 5am.

So I'm awake but yawning and without a clear idea if the change in routine is working.

Anyway - it's damp outside here, and there is to be attacked while Mrs Mike is at the gym.

#sertraline #today #housework

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
249 followers · 3299 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

I've been on antidepressants since the beginning of the year.

Not once have I seen a GP in person - it's always a telephone conversation, and always with a different doctor.
They have no idea how I am actually doing (OK if you're asking) because they can't read my body language. They always prescribe what I suggest - and I'm currently suggesting tapering off the retched stuff.

This isn't healthcare. It's not what the should be.

#nhs #sertraline #mentalhealth

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
230 followers · 2969 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

I've just got back from walking to the to collect my prescription - the one that the surgery kept messing around with.
I'm absolutely knackered.

I'm sure it's these tablets that are making me so tired, constantly. And it's getting worse.

I'm going to wean myself off them starting next week. If the starts recurring then I'll talk to the GP about something different.

#pharmacy #sertraline #depression

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
228 followers · 2888 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

The cause of yesterday's rotten headache came to me in the night - after my second nightmare.

I'd forgotten to take my dose of in the morning - hence the headaches, general agitation, and nightmares.

If that's the effect of missing one dose, then coming off it is going to be 'interesting'!


Last updated 1 year ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
198 followers · 2342 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

It's been a slow start to which is a good thing.

Mrs Mike has been called out to her job, so I've got the house to myself for a couple of hours - I might try cutting the grass in the

I've decided that the increased dose of is not helping and is making me feel unwell, so I'm going to cut it back down to 100mg / day.

Daughter is doing OK, but still wobbling which is understandable 🤞

#today #volunteering #garden #sertraline

Last updated 2 years ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
199 followers · 2318 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

My experience of stopping industrial quantities of a few years ago is that it left me feeling very disconnected from everything around me - fully functional but like watching myself on a screen. It passed eventually, but the withdrawal was a pretty grim process.

I'm hoping that is nowhere near as bad, but I'm not getting my hopes up!

#citalopram #sertraline

Last updated 2 years ago

dystobot · @dystobot
5 followers · 5733 posts · Server med-mastodon.com

[Automatic repost twitter.com/dystobot/status/16]

RT @lucybball: Any users out there older, who developed movement disorders such as or ?

#sertraline #tardivedyskinesia #dystonia

Last updated 2 years ago

dystobot · @dystobot
5 followers · 5145 posts · Server med-mastodon.com

[Automatic repost twitter.com/dystobot/status/16]

RT @JCPjournal: Selective reuptake inhibitors () are usually well-tolerated, and negative effects on the system () are very rare. A new case report published in JCP describes acute after low-dose treatment: t.co/Fpw6YRdSaJ t.co/WxMmcHVWZ5

#serotonin #SSRIs #extrapyramidal #EPS #dystonia #sertraline

Last updated 2 years ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
176 followers · 2018 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

I slept much better than I expected - normally when is flaring up I sleep really badly. Hopefully this was a short sharp shock!

One of the other positive side effects of has been to calm down my guts. I no longer seem to be as sensitive to various foods and my stress levels are generally under control.

(I'm convinced my IBS isn't predominantly a diet thing, and, I've not really been in a stressful situation that would be a trigger)

#ibs #sertraline

Last updated 2 years ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
174 followers · 1974 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

is a very odd thing.
I've tooted before about my travel related anxiety, and specifically with airports.

I've been making notes about our forthcoming break, which involves a one way flight from .
My anxiety levels have already skyrocketed - and that's just making the notes.
The isn't working for this.

Until today I've resisted the suggestion from that I get a but I'm going to go for it now.

#anxiety #heathrow #sertraline #britishairways #SunflowerLanyard #hiddendisability #mentalhealth

Last updated 2 years ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
163 followers · 1886 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

And while I'm thinking about my GP (the surgery is pretty good compared to some of the horror stories I hear)

Filled an on-line consultation request for a new prescription on Wednesday expecting a call on Thursday. I've had a message today saying a will ring on Monday - which is the last day I have any tablets for!

I hope the pharmacy is on the ball.

#sertraline #gp

Last updated 2 years ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
160 followers · 1751 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

FFS I'm currently panicking about the possibility of having panic attacks!

I've has at railway stations & airports in the last few years.
The GP diagnosed this as a Situational Anxiety and gave me for that and the mounting .

I think it's working slowly on the depression, but I'm much less convinced about the anxiety. I sensed it a bit before going out to the bus yesterday.

Maybe I will ask for the beta-blockers as well.

#panicattacks #sertraline #depression

Last updated 2 years ago

MikeFromLFE · @MikeFromLFE
153 followers · 1621 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

I've just realised - I feel OK, actually I feel good.
It's the first time in possibly months that I can say I don't feel like I'm carrying a heavy mental load.
is sh¡t

I don't know if it's the or the or a cathartic effect of yesterday's mini-migraine but I'll take it, and more besides.

Roll on Wednesday

#depression #sunshine #sertraline

Last updated 2 years ago