A few days ago, someone asked me for advice about a slow website.
Upon analysis, the server wasn't the issue—it was running #Linux #CentOS7 on bare metal. However, the site was operating on PHP 5.4 (default for CentOS 7) and was entirely custom-made.
I suggested updating everything, especially since CentOS 7 is nearing its EOL, and transitioning the web application to work on PHP 8.
Their response? "We don't want to do it." They wanted me to set up a new, optimized server to run PHP 5.4. I explained the risks and the nonsensical nature of this, only to hear that they found someone willing to install PHP 5.4 on a new system. So, if I refused, they'd give the job to someone else.
I replied, "Good luck," and ended the conversation.
It saddens me that some in the IT world would opt for such shortcuts rather than striving for a more secure web.
#linux #centos7 #websecurity #techethics #servermanagement #sysadmin #php
Friends of #BSDCafe and the #Fediverse, I had some time, so I went ahead and moved the jails immediately :-) Now the reverse proxy and the mail server are running on one VPS, while the rest is on another (more powerful) VPS hosted on a physical server I manage. I've allocated multiple cores and 16 gigabytes of RAM. If any issues arise, please let me know.
#ServerMigration #InfrastructureUpgrade #ServerManagement #VPS #BSDCafeUpdates
#bsdcafe #fediverse #servermigration #infrastructureupgrade #servermanagement #vps #bsdcafeupdates
Friends of #BSDCafe and the #Fediverse, the BSD Cafe VPS is starting to show some signs of load. The average is low, but there are moments, especially during hourly backups, when RAM is under pressure. This morning, there seemed to be an OOM issue that killed Ruby. Since the services are managed by daemon(8) on #FreeBSD, everything returned to normal operation, but I believe it's time to give the system a little more power.
A user encountered some access issues, so I delved into the logs for further investigation. It appears that the increased RAM load during backups might be causing these intermittent problems. I will be proactive in addressing this and optimizing the system to ensure smooth access and operation.
For now, I've increased the RAM of the current VPS, but since I have available hardware, I will split the services. I don't want to change the IP address at this time, so the reverse proxy and mail server will stay on the current VPS, while the rest (PostgreSQL, Redis, #Mastodon itself) will run on another server - of course, in VPN with the current one.
The process will be straightforward, as I'll simply move (zfs-send / zfs-receive) the respective jails. There will be some brief downtimes during the service restarts (very short, restarting one service at a time). I'll likely proceed in the evening and will write something before to give a heads-up.
#ServerUpgrade #ServiceMigration #ServerManagement #Infrastructure #BSDCafeUpdates
#bsdcafe #fediverse #freebsd #mastodon #serverupgrade #servicemigration #servermanagement #infrastructure #bsdcafeupdates
Good morning and happy #Sunday friends of #BSDCafe and the #Fediverse!
Yesterday and today, I've been busy with the relocation of a data center. In our line of work, we often have to operate when others aren't working, when server downtime doesn't impact the work of others. I've moved many VMs from one data center to another, and the use of #ZFS as a file system (thanks to compression) has significantly reduced the storage used. I'll perform all the tests, and tomorrow they should be able to work without any issues.
#sunday #bsdcafe #fediverse #zfs #sysadmin #servermanagement #technology #virtualization #it
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Take control of your server with F-Bar 2.0 for iOS! Restart services, view server stats, and more. With Laravel Forge integration, managing your server has never been easier. I just it myself! :-) #LaravelForge #laravel #servermanagement https://laravel-forge-menubar.com/ios
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New #Blog: Mounting S3 Compatible Storage To Provide Additional Offsite Capacity
Author: Ben Tasker
#amazons3 #docker #fuse #linux #objectstorage #remotestorage #s3fs #servermanagement #sshfs
#blog #amazons3 #docker #fuse #linux #objectstorage #remotestorage #s3fs #servermanagement #sshfs
New #Blog: Mounting S3 Compatible Storage To Provide Additional Offsite Capacity
Author: Ben Tasker
#amazons3 #docker #fuse #linux #objectstorage #remotestorage #s3fs #servermanagement #sshfs
#blog #amazons3 #docker #fuse #linux #objectstorage #remotestorage #s3fs #servermanagement #sshfs
With power prices the way they are where i live, i will save money renting a dedicated server in a datacenter compared to running one 24/7 at home. Seems like a good time to start refreshing skills on security and server management. But it will be overkill for my use, should find someone to share a server with! #power #electricity #serverhosting #servermanagement #homeserver
#power #electricity #serverhosting #servermanagement #homeserver
I'm wanting to make my own linux server how would I go about it? Has anyone got any tips before I dive head first into it? What do I need to get started?
#linux #servermanagement #serverbuild
#serverbuild #servermanagement #linux
In this article, we have described the top 10 useful iptables commands in Linux. For more information, visit eTechSupport.
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In this article, we have described the top 10 useful iptables commands in Linux. For more information, visit eTechSupport.
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Brauchen wir mehr #mastodoninstanzen um die Last abzufangen oder sollten wir unser #servermanagement ab und an mit Geld bewerfen? Oder sind es nur Spitzen, die wir leicht ertragen können 🧐
#servermanagement #mastodoninstanzen
Ideen oder Gedanken zum Selberhosten eines Servers
#selfhosted #selfhosting #serveradmin #servermanagement