Friends of #BSDCafe and the #Fediverse, I had some time, so I went ahead and moved the jails immediately :-) Now the reverse proxy and the mail server are running on one VPS, while the rest is on another (more powerful) VPS hosted on a physical server I manage. I've allocated multiple cores and 16 gigabytes of RAM. If any issues arise, please let me know.
#ServerMigration #InfrastructureUpgrade #ServerManagement #VPS #BSDCafeUpdates
#bsdcafe #fediverse #servermigration #infrastructureupgrade #servermanagement #vps #bsdcafeupdates
Not sure how much longer this server is going to be up for- but I have moved over to the server. You can find me at
I tried downloading the .csv files for my followers an stuff from this server and re-uploading them, but for some reason I have over a hundred followers here and about 30 on the new server.
Server migration suggestions/ tips welcome :)
Here are some photos from my bay area trip
#servermigration #art #travel #sculpture
We have embarked on a complex, continuous, and not always linear operation—to migrate, where possible, the majority of our servers from #Linux to #FreeBSD. Here's why.
#SysAdmin #OSS #ItNotes #OperatingSystems #SysAdmin #ServerMigration #Stability #JailsVsContainers #FileSystems #ZFS #BootProcedure #NetworkStack #Performance #SystemAnalysis #BhyveVsKVM #OpenSource #Bhyve #KVM
#linux #freebsd #sysadmin #oss #itnotes #operatingsystems #servermigration #stability #jailsvscontainers #filesystems #zfs #bootprocedure #networkstack #performance #systemanalysis #bhyvevskvm #opensource #bhyve #kvm
Guten Morgen! 😎
Informationen zur #ServerMigration erfolgen im Laufe des Vormittags...
Morgen wird für eine bestimmte Zeit nicht erreichbar sein.
Weitere Details folgen dann Morgen! #ServerMigration
ahhh, ich freue mich schon sehr auf die baldigen änderungen bei! :blobcataww:
an sich werdet ihr von der plattform keinen großen unterschied bemerken, aber ich gebe euch rechtzeitig über die änderungen bescheid! :blobcatcool:
And we moved again! Downsized the server a bit. Migrating is much easier when you don’t need think about the contents of live/public/system. #Mastodon #ServerMigration
And we moved again! Downsized the server a bit and migrating is much easier when you don’t need think about the contents of live/public/system. #Mastodon #ServerMigration
Migrating from this server ( since they’re shutting it down tomorrow. Waiting for approval from
Is there a good server that doesn’t require approval or do they all? Any other server recommendations?
#help #ServerMigration #homesocial #homesocialshutdown
#help #servermigration #homesocial #homesocialshutdown
How I wish #AccountMigration (and #ServerMigration too for that matter) in #Fediverse was a real migration, and not just a soft redirect.
I'd really like to check out implementations other than #Mastodon, especially #CalcKey, but seeing the schema of both, I don't have enough time and patience to create an #SQL query to move all the data.
#accountmigration #servermigration #fediverse #mastodon #calckey #sql #selfhosted #selfproblem
Here is a link to my post about the experience of #servermigration 👇🏽 and how to do it …
#servermigration #twittermigration #mastodon #newbies
The choice of your “home instance” does matter. While you can “chose ANY server” to start with #Mastodon and enter the #fediverse some care & diligence during a #migration is advised...
this is also valid for #twittermigration ...
read my latest article on my experiences changing my server / instance
#changingserver, #servermigration, #changeinstance, #newbies,
#mastodon #fediverse #migration #twittermigration #changingserver #servermigration #changeinstance #newbies
@bronakins ... sure!
I was starting to feel unease at my old server, when the admin didn´t really respond to some questions & was not very transparent about himself.
then I learned, that the instance was blocked by a few other servers. I reached out to the admin again, asking if he knows "why?" - and got the reply: "maybe they are jealous" - which seemed like an immature answer to me...
I think I will write a small post about the experience soon
Serious Question: Can you tell me why you moved? If you’re like me when I came to mastodon we just took a chance on a server to get the ball rolling. Are there advantages to certain servers over others?
#instances #servermigration #MastodonNewbie
#instances #MastodonNewbie #servermigration
Today I have moved to a new #Mastodon instance/ server. All in all, it was a painfree experience.
It will take a little time, until I can give here a proper #introduction...
#mastodon #introduction #migration #servermigration #move
@Feaithil I wrote a brief summary of how instance migration works, and compiled its gotchas/caveats.
#mastodonmigration #feditips #servermigration
Sorry for the post spam, by the by.
One key design flaw of Mastodon is that you cannot copy across posts from one instance to another when you migrate servers.
As such, I'm having to manually repost certain posts, so that they're not lost to the void when shuts down forever.
#MastodonLOL #ServerMigration #InstanceMigration #MastodonMigration
#mastodonlol #servermigration #instancemigration #mastodonmigration
This epic website lets you see the emojis used by other mastodon instances, so you can copy them to your own 🥰
Thank you @Natasha_Jay for thinking of me when you saw this :blahajTransPride:
#emojis #emojos #mastodon #InstanceMigration #ServerMigration #MastodonMigration
#emojis #emojos #Mastodon #instancemigration #servermigration #mastodonmigration
But but but... I thought your posts migrated with your followers? 😩 #servermigration All my pointless #wine reviews...
I've applied for an #Epicure account. Should they decline, I'll go onto a general server. #servermigration #serverclosing
#epicure #servermigration #serverclosing