The Swift Server Workgroup has released a community survey to help inform its decision making process. If you are working in Server Side Swift please take part. #SwiftLang #ServerSideSwift
Main takeaway from this week: Swift microservices are fun 🤩
The first alpha for v7 of Soto the unofficial Swift SDK for AWS has just been released. Includes completely rewritten Swift concurrency internals, request encoding, response decoding performance improvements and new middleware stack.
#SwiftLang #ServerSideSwift #AWS
#aws #serversideswift #swiftlang
🌟 Pretty cool article/guide on Swift in the server using Vapor and Amazon ECS
Speaking of full-stack #Swift development - @feedbackbulb is a mix of #Elixir and #ServerSideSwift components and it even uses @tootsdk to communicate with the fediverse 🐘
#swift #elixir #serversideswift
I've setup a discord for my server framework Hummingbird. We are currently discussing what Hummingbird 2.0 could be. Please join the conversation.
Tracing comes to Hummingbird! The v1.6.0 release, just out, adds a new middleware that will record tracing spans for every request to your server. This has only been possible though because of the hard work from @ktoso and @slashmo #SwiftLang #ServerSideSwift
‘Practical Server-Side Swift’ v1.5.0 is available now (w/Xcode 14.3 & Swift 5.8 support).
/ via @tiborbodecs
@tiborbodecs is continuing the great articles on the Hummingbird server framework. #ServerSideSwift
Firestore has this structure (2nd image) for storing different value types.
Currently I'm solving the decoding with a custom decoding init (1st image) to convert dictionary values to property values.
Trying to think of a way to make a generic way to solve this. Any ideas? 🤔
#swift #swiftlang #iosdev #vapor #serversideswift
How to Make Vapor Fly! Deploying Vapor to
#vaporswift #swiftlang #serversideswift #flyio
Just added a WebAuthn PassKey example to the hummingbird examples. No more passwords is the future! It uses the webauthn-swift library from @0xTim and Marius Seufzer. They did all the heavy lifting I just connected it up.
A new release of TootSDK - 0.21.0 📣
We’d like to thank everyone who has submitted PRs, raised issues since we released the package publicly. Including these awesome peeps:
Community contributions are greatly appreciated 🙌
#tootsdk #iosdev #swiftdev #swift #serversideswift #macosdev #vapor
#tootsdk #iosdev #swiftdev #swift #serversideswift #macosdev #vapor
There you go, Hummingbird: the Swift server framework has hit version 1.0. More details can be found here
Over the next couple of days I'll be releasing version 1.0 of the other hummingbird packages.
Just joined from so I guess an introduction would be good.
I'm an ex games developer who spends most of his time working on open source Swift based server projects. I am the main developer on Soto a community developed Amazon Web Services Swift SDK, Hummingbird a server framework and the Visual Studio Code Swift extension 1/2
#serversideswift #swiftlang #introduction
I don’t have a need for any backend development right now. However, I feel the need to distract my brain a bit from my side project and thinking about looking into server side Swift and picking stuff up from which @0xTim launched yesterday.
Maybe a weekend project? We’ll see.
#swift #swiftdev #serversideswift
I didn't know Docker, Inc. is using server-side Swift as well.
Does anyone know more about their usage?
#serversideswift #swift #swiftlang
#serversideswift #swift #swiftlang
Ups, how could I forget to mention mod_swift in the context 😜 It allows you to write Apache modules (think endpoints, but can be config parsers and all kinds of other things) in #SwiftLang. Since Apache even has DB connectivity (via mod_db), it can do the database connection pooling etc for the module.
This #ServerSideSwift thing is specifically "blocking" (but streaming), which makes things a whole lot easier for regular endpoints (not recommended for proxies).
Busy updating all my #ServerSideSwift projects to be able to build against the latest #SwiftNIO. That primarily means fixing the changes in Linux tests ... and dropping support for #SwiftLang before 5.5.2 ... (which also means building new docker images for testing).
#serversideswift #swiftnio #swiftlang
Build a BFF with Swift on #Swift #ServerSideSwift