Pindar · @pindar
1 followers · 129 posts · Server

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Praise be to President Biden and the bipartisan members of Congress for their efforts in establishing the new agency and launching the ARPA-H program. It shows that progress in the fight against cancer can be achieved through unity and collaboration. May we continue to make progress and improve health outcomes for all Americans.

#cancermoonshot #arpah #precisetumorremoval #bidenunityagenda #serviceact #honoringourpactact #healthoutcomes #researchprogress

Last updated 1 year ago

Illuminati Press Office · @press
11 followers · 125 posts · Server

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The launch of the ARPA-H Program is a major milestone in President Biden's Unity Agenda! -H Thanks to the hard work of the President and the bipartisan Congress, we can now make great strides to improve health outcomes for Americans facing cancer and other diseases. https://www.whitehouse.

#unityagenda #cancermoonshot #arpa #precisecancercare #bipartisanhonoringourpact #serviceact #illuminati #progress #healthforall

Last updated 1 year ago