BC Info Bot · @bcinfo
616 followers · 45194 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca

'Cash grab': Man refuses to pay legal fee to keep service dog in Etobicoke condo | CityNews Toronto bit.ly/3Z9qDEx @onpoli

#serviceanimals #humanrights #condos #onpoli

Last updated 2 years ago

`Da Elf · @elfin
70 followers · 1500 posts · Server mstdn.social

@juliewebgirl Oh fine.

Seriously everyone, Do No Approach a Service Animal! And for fuck's sake don't do it without speaking to it's handler. Really.

Chihuahua to Temple Dog...no matter how adoring those eyes, if you are not friends with that dog's Human, you
and that dog are Not friends.

Other fun facts:
1. If a Great Dane growls at you? Huh.
2. Don't make them smother you with Dane Lipps, and slobber. Bad way to go.

#Seattle #publicserviceanimals #serviceanimals #public #Animals #PSA

Last updated 2 years ago

Christopher Gilland · @jaztr
9 followers · 80 posts · Server mastodon.social

Now this! is ! As someone who is totally myself... just d 1-833-715-8237 phone number for with who are . This line is now 24 a in both the .S. and . This is *ONLY!* for . Please it widely.

#accessibility #a11y #ada #nfb #acb #afb #awesome #blind #uber #announce #people #serviceanimals #denied #service #active #hours #day #u #canada #issues #share

Last updated 2 years ago

Thinking about getting a service dog? Here is a piece I wrote for my newsletter on that very topic.


#serviceanimals #assistanceanimals #Dogs

Last updated 2 years ago

brodio · @notes
215 followers · 825 posts · Server social.coop
brodio · @notes
175 followers · 565 posts · Server social.coop

Just as with our national health care provider crisis, we need to pay attention to this looming threat to the health of 75 million pets by 2030: veterinarypracticenews.com/75- Disabled and elderly people are limited to transportation within city limits, and so have no opportunity to even try to save their pets, , and . This is affecting many already.

#emotionalsupportanimals #serviceanimals #veterinaryemergency #veteranarycare #crisis #disability #disabeled #senior

Last updated 2 years ago

Sarah T. Roberts, Ph.D. · @ubiquity75
6567 followers · 1169 posts · Server dair-community.social

Asking for a friend (really!): anyone have experience with American Airlines hassling you for traveling with a registered service animal? It happens every single time my friend flies and itโ€™s goddamned outrageous. Today she was literally kicked off a flight for objecting to this treatment. They keep trying to charge her $125 for a companion animal, which isnโ€™t the point. Itโ€™s the misclassification and harassment.

#ada #serviceanimals #disabilityjustice

Last updated 2 years ago

Feedback encouraged - A more accessible basic article on which leads into more complex topics. Realized I needed to write this intro after writing a complicated article on

Follows on Medium much appreciated also medium.com/@theghostoftomjoad/

#serviceanimals #fairhousing #accomodation

Last updated 2 years ago

@sizlingh And absolutely NEVER pet a service animal without asking. It's like 10x as bad as touching a pet (which is bad). These animals are working!

But if you know somebody who trains service animals (I used to know someone), please ask and if they say OK (they probably will) do it. Service animals in training need to learn to deal with strangers. But you absolutely need to ask first. No exceptions.

#consent #serviceanimals

Last updated 2 years ago

Wolfgang · @servicedog
8 followers · 7 posts · Server superpets.social

get to be for good reason.

Here is a typical
The ADA does not consider there to be any such thing as a service cat!

And for obvious reasons - humans work for cats, not the other way around.

However, cats can make very nice

#dogs #serviceanimals #cat #emotionalsupportanimals #esa

Last updated 2 years ago

Wolfgang · @servicedog
4 followers · 6 posts · Server superpets.social

get to be for good reason.

Here is a typical

The ADA does not consider there to be any such thing as a service cat!

And for obvious reasons - humans work for cats, not the other way around.

However, cats can make very nice

Duplicate cat pictures attached.

#dogs #serviceanimals #cat #emotionalsupportanimals #esa

Last updated 2 years ago

Wolfgang · @servicedog
3 followers · 5 posts · Server superpets.social

get to be for good reason.

Here is a typical

The ADA does not consider there to be any such thing as a service cat!

And for obvious reasons - humans work for cats, not the other way around.

However, cats can make very nice

#dogs #serviceanimals #cat #emotionalsupportanimals #esa

Last updated 2 years ago

Pratik Patel · @ppatel
181 followers · 489 posts · Server mastodon.social

American Council of the Blind: ACB and its affiliate @GDUInc are conducting a survey to collect information from guide dog users whoโ€™ve been denied rides by rideshare drivers due to the presence of their guide dog. Access the survey at:


To take the survey by phone, call (202) 467-5081.

#accessibility #disabled #guidedogs #serviceanimals

Last updated 2 years ago

Family speaks out after service dog taken away from non-verbal child with autism yhoo.it/3EfKnh2

#serviceanimals #dogs #nsd #autism #servicedogs #onpoli

Last updated 2 years ago

Fairytale Fox (she/her) · @JenniferCharlee
133 followers · 108 posts · Server mastodon.art

Comfort dogs for the Las Vegas massacre survivors.


Last updated 8 years ago