Dogs sense our illness
Protective instinct so strong
My loyal pup knows
#dogtrait #servicedogs #protectiveinstinct #loyalpup #haiku #poetry
#dogtrait #servicedogs #protectiveinstinct #loyalpup #haiku #poetry
We don’t deserve dogs. I’m not crying, you’re crying.
Global News BC: Dogs trained to detect potentially deadly superbug at B.C. hospitals #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #UniversityofBritishColumbiaresearch #VancouverGeneralHospital #dogsdetectbacteria #causesofdiarrhea #dogsinhealthcare #BChealthcare #C.difficile #dogsniffers #ServiceDogs #Health
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #universityofbritishcolumbiaresearch #VancouverGeneralHospital #dogsdetectbacteria #causesofdiarrhea #dogsinhealthcare #BChealthcare #c #dogsniffers #servicedogs #health
I can almost feel excited that I might be able to get my dog their first proper guide harness! I just gotta get through our monthly bills and my girlfriend's camera, and then I'm like one inclusivity job away from it
I say when I've taken 3 this month and literally can't leave the house, shower, or even work multiple days in the past week week.
#servicedogs #assistanceDogs #disabilitylifestyle #mecfs
Here is a pile of puppies for your timeline. 2 days old. #dogsofmastadon #servicedogs.
The puppies have arrived. A long overnight whelp produced 5 beautiful puppies. 1 male, and 4 females. Mom is doing fine, but this is her first litter and she is still learning the ropes. These puppies are part of a volunteer breeding program for Canine Companions, a large service dog organization headquartered in Santa Rosa California. We will have them for 8 weeks when they will be sent off to their volunteer puppy raisers on the next step of their journey for socialization and basic training. Stay tuned for a lot of cute puppy pics! #dogsofmastadon #puppies #servicedogs.
#dogsofmastadon #puppies #servicedogs
@Talyaa I've sometimes imagined that an African Grey parrot could perhaps function quite well as a Service Parrot. Verbalizing to a vision-challenged client to wait for the crossing light to change, or to navigate to the produce section at the grocery. Perhaps they're "too independent" or have mischievous lapses that would leave a client vulnerable. Not shading service dogs btw: my sister's service dog was a sweet feller and made a huge difference in her life.
#servicedogs #differentlyabled
No Dogs Allowed: Federal Court Rejects Service Dog Accommodation in Hospital Setting
Most of us know that when an employee or visitor to a place of public accommodation requests reasonable accommodation, the ADA requires an interactive process to make an individualized determination. But what about a request from a nursing intern to bring her service dog… to a hospital… around patients?
#dog #dogs #dogsofmastodon #ada #servicedog #servicedogs #publicaccess #disability
#dog #dogs #dogsofmastodon #ada #servicedog #servicedogs #PublicAccess #disability
I think assistance dogs in the U.S. ought to include ones that "only" give emotional support. Personally I don't give a fuck if your dog is task trained or not, I just want your dogs to act well in public so people don't give us all shit for having our dogs.
Course in training dogs are different. My malamute is still super naughty! But one "finished" training, as long as they good in public, I just cannot care if it is a "real" service dog or not.
#accessibility #servicedogs #assistanceDogs
i'm NOT the only one who wants to stay home!!! Even #servicedogs don't want to work in the rain. Also, sorry if photo descriptions are wrong, I'm #deafblind describing pics I can't see!! 🧏♀️😂😁
Right, so the thing about having #ServiceDogs is that they recognize things like the suitcase, and they know what it means. Since Grandma Soleil jacked up her spine the whole goal is to keep her calm so she can recover, which means I have to hide the suitcase, or there will be NO PeACE! About once a day I need to go put stuff in it, so I have to sneak off to my guest room and lock myself in. The whole thing is starting to feel like a covert spy adventure. 🧏♀️🕵️♀️🤫😂
The demands and responsibilities for a proper #servicedogs 🐕🦺 dog are many but when your defects exist mostly in the mental plane, having a service dog that's not only attuned to your affliction but attuned to you is vital when things are at their worst.
#lewybodydementia #alzheimers #parkinsonsdisease
#servicedogs #lewybodydementia #alzheimers #parkinsonsdisease
These dogs ride a bus like humans ‘and now the internet is in love’ - The Washington Post
Here’s a story you have to like. These dogs are special
#dogs #servicedogs
Santos accused of taking $3K from GoFundMe for veteran’s dying dog
#georgesantos #gofundme #servicedogs #veterans
My name is Sarah Gill, and I am a professional service dog trainer and handler. I entered the world of professional service dog training after being in a car accident. I was never expected to walk again, but I am.
My diagnoses include POTS, MCAS, PTSD, TBI, CRPS, and Neuropathy.
#dog #dogs #dogsofmastodon #dogtraining #dogtrainer #servicedog #servicedogs #servicedogsofmastodon #happydogtraining #RalfWeberCDT #totalk9focus #SarahGillCDT
#dog #dogs #dogsofmastodon #dogtraining #dogtrainer #servicedog #servicedogs #servicedogsofmastodon #happydogtraining #ralfwebercdt #totalk9focus #sarahgillcdt
@kaessa lovely #serviceDog #serviceDoggo who has surely earned her #retirement and #hiking days 🥰
#retiredDog #retiredWorkingDog #serviceDogs
#borderCollie #borderCollies
#servicedog #servicedoggo #retirement #hiking #retireddog #retiredworkingdog #servicedogs #bordercollie #bordercollies
In #Canada there are three provinces that have official certification for #ServiceDogs. #BC, #Alberta and #NovaScotia
#Autism #ActuallyAutistic #Disability
A reblog from Fierce Autie.
#disability #ActuallyAutistic #Autism #novascotia #alberta #BC #servicedogs #Canada
Boost this post if you support service dogs in psychiatric wards!!!!!!
And get in touch/follow me if you want to be a part of making this sweet opportunity to affect change for disabled/trans people in Massachusetts and potentially all of America.
Boost this f'ing post if you support service dogs in psychiatric wards.
And get in touch/follow me if you want to f'ing be a part of making this sweet ass opportunity to affect change for disabled people Massachusetts and potentially all of America.