WTF? Today answered my mail from early February 2020 - reaction time 92 days - please fix that #servicehell
My friend just told me about his #ServiceHell experience at ServiceCenter #DUS - Hope get this fixed soon - Awesome products needs awesome service!
Angesichts meiner aktuellen Erfahrung mit dem Reparatur-Dienst des örtlichen Flaggschiff-Stores frage ich mich gerade, ob die Tesla #Servicehell (die mich teilweise vom #TeslaModel3 abgehalten hat), so viel schlimmer gewesen wäre 😒
We call it #Servicehell #Germany
We think someone from #USA should check out why things are so much worse in #Germany than in other European countries. Owners are now routed to neighboring countries. Please fix this
#unfriendly #wakeupcall
#servicehell #germany #usa #unfriendly #wakeupcall
Please retweet our case with the hashtags #ServiceHell if you agree that #Tesla needs to improve considerably in service. has proven many times that he is able to fix problems quickly if attention is high. We really want Tesla to get out of service hell.