I was current years old when I learned that there is a shortcut for "insert without formatting" -> Ctrl + Shift + V #servicemessage
I was 40 years old when I learned that there is a shortcut for "insert without formatting" -> Ctrl + Shift + V #servicemessage
#ServiceMessage Since #France didn't win the Qatar tournament, we will resume our Qatar coverage on how awful they are.
📷 fIy: my computer is broken and crashes every 5-10 minutes, please excuse me if I am late in getting back to you. #servicemessage #outofaction https://www.instagram.com/p/CHk6dPqB0Q-/?igshid=sfeu9zi18vj https://tmblr.co/ZJSGMyZFBCnSSq00
fIy: my computer is broken and crashes every 5-10 minutes, please excuse me if I am late in getting back to you. #servicemessage #outofaction https://www.instagram.com/p/CHk6dPqB0Q-/?igshid=1eiyu6zwas8o0