🚨 #PSA #NewYorkCity !
#Free #KN95 #masks have been added to #NYC's #PublicHealth #VendingMachines in #Brooklyn.
It is hosted & serviced by #SUS (#ServicesForTheUnderserved), & also has #naloxone (#Narcan), #hygiene kits, & #SaferSex kits.
This is tremendous news - #CovidIsNotOver, & the more people who have access to good masks to wear in public, esp indoor spaces, the safer we ALL are.
For more info, see https://www.nyc.gov/site/doh/about/press/pr2023/health-department-launches-first-public-health-vending-machine.page
#MaskUp Lovely Peeps - take care of yourselves & each other.
#psa #newyorkcity #free #kn95 #masks #nyc #publichealth #vendingmachines #brooklyn #sus #servicesfortheunderserved #naloxone #narcan #hygiene #safersex #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp