Good morning, friends of #BSDCafe and the #Fediverse!
I've finally launched the #wiki of BSD Cafe ( - for now, it only contains some information about our Cafe, but it will become a repository for both internal (how BSD Cafe services work, etc.) and external (tutorials, etc.) information, available to BSD Cafe users who can publish and edit content.
At the same time, I've also brought the new #Miniflux online, with registration and access info in the wiki:
Have fun, have a great day, and stay tuned!
#NewWiki #ServiceUpdate #Community #BSDCafeUpdates #BSDCafeServices #RSS #WikiJS #PoweredByBSD
#bsdcafe #fediverse #wiki #miniflux #newwiki #serviceupdate #community #bsdcafeupdates #bsdcafeservices #rss #wikijs #poweredbybsd
So, wirklich letztes #Serviceupdate vom18.03.2023:Blackouts im Winter 22/23: 0, Dauer: 0 Tage, 0 Stunden, 0 Sekunden. Gas ist auch noch da und der versprochene März-Sommer hat bisher auch nicht stattgefunden. Scheiss Habeck.