... and my players threaded the needle in just such a way that they totally missed 4 possible combats, 3 puzzles, and a group skill challenge. I expected they'd hit at least 2.
And now I get to figure out how to put them in a gladiatorial tournament without making it seem like a treadmill.
"I'm not going to spend all day doing #DND #SessionPlanning, I'm just going to prep encounters and get on with my day." -- Me (8 hours ago)
So this place gave me a neat idea (I hope) for our next session and now it's 2:20am and I'm sitting here with a pencil in hand and scribbling notes like a madman.
I think I'll like it here.
#ttrpg #rpg #sessionplanning #pathfinder2e
Using PlantUML to Model RPG Relationship Maps: Leveraging Open Source Software for RPGs
#documentation #orgmode #organizing #rpg #sessionplanning
Sending some Interstitial Love Letters to the New Vistas Crew: Dear Player Characters, Tell Me More
#rpg #sessionplanning #swn #thelsector
Burning Warhammer: The Captain and the Witch (Alternate Character Creation): Burning Up a Different Character
#BurningWheel #CharacterCreation #Rpg #SessionPlanning #WarhammerFantasy
#burningwheel #charactercreation #rpg #sessionplanning #WarhammerFantasy
Burning Warhammer: The Captain and the Witch (Character Creation): Positioning a Character for the First Session
#BurningWheel #CharacterCreation #Rpg #SessionPlanning #WarhammerFantasy
#burningwheel #charactercreation #rpg #sessionplanning #WarhammerFantasy
Strategies for Cold Opens of Impromptu Games: Also Applicable for Getting Any Game Going
A Situation and Adventure Design Process: An Approach that Works for Me
#CampaignPlanning #Gamemastering #SessionPlanning #Swn #ThelSector #WorldOfArdu
#CampaignPlanning #gamemastering #sessionplanning #swn #thelsector #WorldOfArdu
An Initial “Worlds without Number” Situation from the Ministry of Harvest // Take on Rules
An Initial “Worlds without Number” Situation from the Ministry of Harvest
#osr #rpg #sessionplanning #situationmining #wwn
The Geemit - A Worlds without Number Demihuman // Take on Rules
The Geemit - A Worlds without Number Demihuman
#sessionplanning #sophont #swn #wwn
Using the Organization Generator from “Soft Horizon” with a “Worlds without Number” Campaign // Take on Rules
Using the Organization Generator from “Soft Horizon” with a “Worlds without Number” Campaign
#randomtables #sessionplanning #softhorizon #swn #wwn