Make sure this program starts
#climate #nature #makeeugreat #eu #forourchildren #florafauna #setanexample #asap #weneedthis
β βBut everyone else is doing it, too! Whether I do it or donβt, doesnβt change a thing!β
β Well, if you stop doing it and then communicate that and why you stopped doing it, that might make others think β and possibly change their behaviour, too. This is true for any action, be it flying, owning a car, buying fast fashion, or using to-go cups with plastic lids.
Every personal decision to do better might set off a ripple effect that might lead to change on a societal, even global scale.
(This is not to say that we could possibly save the world with personal actions alone; that requires political decisions above all. But these are based on the overall public sentiment, which in turn can be influenced by each of us.)
#LittleSteps #OneStepAtATime #SetAnExample #BehaviouralChange #Change #ButterflyEffect #RippleEffect #StopFlying #StopDrivingCars #ReducePlastic #ReduceWaste #ReduceImpact #ClimateChange #ClimateCatastrophe #SaveThePlanet #NoPlanetB #StopCapitalism #EndCapitalism
#littlesteps #onestepatatime #setanexample #BehaviouralChange #change #butterflyeffect #rippleeffect #stopflying #stopdrivingcars #reduceplastic #reducewaste #reduceimpact #climatechange #climatecatastrophe #savetheplanet #noplanetb #stopcapitalism #endcapitalism
I see so much of "this is what needs to happen", "this is what people need to do", "this is what YOU need to do". Try living your reality. Just do it. Set an example. Hate corporations? Don't use credit cards. Don't buy in big box stores. Don't eat in Macdonalds. Don't give your labour to chainstores. Think people should arm and organize? Arm yourself. Call your friends and get together. Hate government inaction? Do guerrilla gardening and tactical urbanism. Plant that empty lot. Paint that crosswalk. Fix that tripping hazard. Build that bus shelter. Hate government overreach? Don't register your stuff. Don't tell them what you are doing. Keep quiet and in the dark. We have some annoying laws in Canada, some of them are justified but more are just because stupidity has caused harm so everyone is managed and controlled. Education and knowledge are key.
Governments change so often, they rarely remember what the previous government did especially small municipal governments. And over the years I've found that very often when you build something yourself, it makes them look bad so they rush in to do it "better". That happened with a bus bench/shelter down the road from me, although I preferred the rustic twig one, it now has a metal shelter with sky roof. I built a coffee station for visiting parents in the primary school years ago and the school district got quite mad, then rushed in and built a bigger, better one to show that they weren't useless.
People make their own "slow down, children at play" signs and before you know it, official ones spring up. Speed bumps, curb ramps, sanding the ice, plowing the neighbourhood, flooding a skating rink; all of these make a difference right now and clearly show what needs a community has.
Libraries are losing money all over, but little library boxes are springing up at the bottom of driveways everywhere. Organized markets are heavily regulated so people are building market stands at their driveways to sell their products. People are trading and bartering to keep taxes out of the picture. It's the first step to showing each other what is wanted and what is possible. Setting an example of what to do can be the most powerful way for change.
#bethechange #praxis #setanexample