"For many, the imagined cost of speaking up is almost always higher than the actual cost.
And we live with the cost in our imagination daily, dying a little bit over time as we keep our insights to ourselves.
Speaking up is a skill, and we can only improve it with practice."
#sethgodin https://seths.blog/2023/08/speaking-up/
Where #SethGodin has really proved visionary is that for years he's been using #ChatGPT for his pseudo-profound ramblings.
I always appreciate the #wisdom of #SethGodin. This post is no exception. There are many varieties of #leadership, and #PeerSupport is quite valuable
#peersupport #leadership #sethgodin #wisdom
Seth Godin’s post for today hit home. I get trapped in time too often.
Living In Hyperbole
“… Greatest hits, by their nature, are unusual. And if the media you’re absorbing is selected from a billion possible clips, don’t be surprised if you start to believe that the unusual is normal.
It’s not.”
“Find the nerds, the motivated, and the overlooked, and figure out what they need to thrive. That exploration will reveal what others have needed as well but didn’t care enough to speak up about.”
— The Song of Significance by #SethGodin
“Service, for me, for us, is not a transactional act. It’s not a trick we undertake to get people to give us their money. Yes, of course, great service has strategic value. Every day we go out with the belief that we need to re-earn our customer’s trust and make it worthwhile for people to want to spend time and money with us. But really, service is a way of being in the world.”
—Ari Weinzweig
— The #SongOfSignificance A New Manifesto for Teams by #sethgodin
#songofsignificance #sethgodin
“The planet does not need more successful people, but it does desperately need more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of every kind.”
—David Orr
— The #SongofSignificance: A New Manifesto for Teams by #SethGodin
#books #songofsignificance #sethgodin
I admit to loving #SethGodin. #podcast
Seth Godin on Marketing, Meaning, and the Bibs We Wear
On good days, Seth Godin thinks about all the progress we’re making on climate change. On bad days, he thinks about the problem of racing bibs. Though pieces of paper safety-pinned to runners’ chests seem obviously outdated, the bibs persist, highlighting how difficult it can be to change a culture for the better.
* Episode link: https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/cowenconvos/CWT-185-SethGodin-podcast-final.mp3?dest-id=850607
* Show Notes: https://cowenconvos.libsyn.com/seth-godin-on-marketing-meaning-and-the-bibs-we-wear
“When you dance on the edge of infinity, there’s always enough . . . because you aren’t taking opportunity from anyone else, you’re creating it.”
— The Song of Significance: A New Manifesto for Teams by Seth Godin
Drip, drip, drip
“Make sure you have the resources and resolve to develop your following and your skills regardless of how well you do in the first interactions. Day by day and drip by drip.”
Resources are abundant - resolve and willingness to play the long game - are rare.
“We have a chance to stand up and make a ruckus, as caring humans.”
In our lives, we all want to #MakeADifference. As #SethGodin stresses in his work, our ability to CHOOSE has never been easier.
#makeadifference #sethgodin #book #songofsignificance #twinztalk
"All of us get an endless supply of ideas, notions, and inklings. Successful people, often without realizing it, ignore the ones that are less likely to ‘work,’ and instead focus on the projects that are more likely to advance the mission. Sometimes we call this good taste." — Seth Godin — — — #SethGodin #quote #quotes #ideas #successful #wise #sensible #selective
#sethgodin #quote #quotes #ideas #successful #wise #sensible #selective
"The only thing worse than starting something and failing... is not starting something." - Seth Godin #FearOfFailure #SaturdayMotivation #QuoteOfTheDay #ContinuousImprovement #Coaching #LyonStrategic #SethGodin
#fearoffailure #SaturdayMotivation #quoteoftheday #continuousimprovement #coaching #lyonstrategic #sethgodin
From the ever wise #SethGodin, there's power in recognizing new information and revising your understanding accordingly.
New decisions based on new information
#information #knowledge #wisdom
#wisdom #knowledge #information #sethgodin
“Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.” ― Ann Landers
"The Big Accomplishment - A Gift I Can Decline" ... New Blog Post:
#gift #sunkcost #sethgodin #letgo #amwriting #theemersonrule
#theemersonrule #amwriting #letgo #sethgodin #SunkCost #gift
"When you think about Uber and Airbnb and the other companies that are turning things upside down, Uber isn't big 'cause they ran a lot of ads. They're big because someone took out their iPhone and said to their friend, watch this, and pressed a button and a car pulled up." — Seth Godin — — — #SethGodin #quote #quotes #innovation #creativity
#sethgodin #quote #quotes #innovation #creativity
@chrisheuer @kkarhan @suzannealdrich @atomicpoet @TechCrunch @fediversenews @WIRED
That is precisely the point. The Fediverse in general does not want push marketing, and to a large extent, neither does the population as a whole. #sethgodin is the guru of 'permission' marketing, where brands work to get people's permission to be marketed to. Eg: plenty of people are interested In Nike and would follow them for product news and offers. Blanket advertising mechanisms are not the way
The myth of luxury goods https://seths.blog/2023/01/the-myth-of-luxury-goods
"No one sees reality.
It’s worth repeating: No one accurately sees the world as it is.
A person with hearing loss doesn’t experience the world the same way a synesthete does. A rock climber doesn’t see a steep slope the same way an elderly person does. And an optimist and a pessimist rarely experience opportunities in identical ways.
And each is correct.
Correct in that their experience of the world is their experience of the world. It’s not possible for anyone to actually see the world as it is.
But there’s a significant opportunity we can work toward:
To experience the world in a useful way.
Not correctly, but usefully." - #SethGodin
The world as it is https://seths.blog/2022/12/the-world-as-it-is/
#sethgodin #reality #perception