4K【AKB48(大西桃香さん、行天優莉奈さん)声優の小坂井祐莉絵さんらが登場!】「神田明神 令和五年 節分祭 豆まき式 Setsubun Mamemaki」 2023.2.3 @神田明神 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1644532/akb48/
#2023.2.3 #4KAKB48大西桃香さん行天優莉奈さん声優の小坂井祐莉絵さんらが登場神田明神 #AKB48 #AKB48Team4 #japan #Mamemaki #Setsubun #tokyo #Vlog #アキバ #令和五年 #日本 #東京 #神田 #神田明神 #秋葉原 #節分 #節分祭 #行天優莉奈 #豆まき #豆まき式
#AKB48Team4 #令和五年 #神田 #豆まき式 #4KAKB48大西桃香さん行天優莉奈さん声優の小坂井祐莉絵さんらが登場神田明神 #日本 #東京 #行天優莉奈 #akb48 #japan #mamemaki #setsubun #tokyo #vlog #アキバ #神田明神 #秋葉原 #節分 #節分祭 #豆まき
Setsubun at Sumiyoshi Shrine 2023 – 福岡博多の節分祭 – Kyushu, Japan https://www.wacoca.com/tour/82179/
#Festival #fukuoka #Japanhotelreviews #kyushulive #setsubun #sumiyoshi #visitkyushu #ホテルのクチコミ #ホテルのレビュー #ホテルの口コミ #日本ビューホテルグループ #節分祭
#festival #fukuoka #japanhotelreviews #kyushulive #setsubun #sumiyoshi #visitkyushu #ホテルのクチコミ #ホテルのレビュー #ホテルの口コミ #日本ビューホテルグループ #節分祭
Setsubun v2023.02.06 (Lexaloffle Pico-8) (Game)
#Game #mabbees #P8 #Pico-8 #Pico8 #Setsubun
Setsubun by mabbees is a platformer game made with PICO-8. The game is only available in Japanese.
This game marks the beginning of spring, and heralds the custom of throwing beans. You'll be playing as the Oni. Help your kids enjoy Setsubun by trying to get hit by the beans....
#setsubun #pico8 #pico #p8 #mabbees #game
Takakeisho celebrated #Setsubun and hopefully picked up some good fortune for Haru!
Today's #HobonichiTecho quote is for #Setsubun
My daughter in 11th grade said:
"It's almost the era for datemaki."
Me: ??? Do you mean...the season for ehoumaki?
Daughter: Oh, yeah, oops!
Ehoumaki --> Datemaki, Season --> Era, that's way more than an "oops!"
(datemaki https://www.japanesecooking101.com/datemaki-recipe/ vs ehoumaki https://livejapan.com/en/in-kansai/in-pref-osaka/in-namba_dotonbori_shinsaibashi/article-a2000589/)
#hobonichitecho #setsubun #japanese #節分
Today is 👹 Setsubun, a time for banishing evil spirits and bad luck.
And what are evil spirits most afraid of?
To learn more watch: youtube:.be/7Rgrv7Gw4SU
#setsubun #foodfolklore #folklore
it's you I think of
when I see Harunobu
my guilty secret
It's Setsubun, time to cast out evil spirits and invite luck in. It's about time to cast out those evil spirits here!
#art #Japan #Harunobu #setsubun #luck #beans #haiku #haikupoetry #haikuoftheday #haikupoem #haikuoftheday #threelines #micropoetry #micropoem #poetrycommunity #poetryoftheday
#poetryoftheday #poetrycommunity #micropoem #micropoetry #threelines #haikupoem #haikuoftheday #haikupoetry #haiku #beans #luck #setsubun #harunobu #japan #art
Phew, I hope we’re lucky enough not to get a red-faced intruder until around this time next year! 👹
Important public information message.
Banish ogres from your home through the power of beans.
RT @Web_Japan
Today is #Setsubun / #節分!👹🫘
People enjoy #MameMaki bean-throwing ceremony on this day to pray for good fortune.
Don't forget to shout “Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!” meaning “Out with ogres👹 and in with fortune🌟!” as you throw the beans!
📖 https://web-japan.org/kidsweb/explore/calendar/february/setsubun.html
In Japan, it's almost time for those hepped up oni to come tromping down your streets and try to break into your homes.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, check out Episode 29 on #Setsubun #節分
Be prepared, roast some soybeans! 👹🫘
'...[F]or many Japanese, Setsubun is a cherished childhood memory. Yelling “Oni wa soto!” (“Out with demons!”) while pelting schoolteachers and parents pretending to be demons with dry-roasted soybeans is done in good-natured fun.' https://www.japantimes.co.jp/life/2023/01/22/food/washoku-essentials-setsubun/ #foodhistory #Setsubun
Stores are preparing for #Setsubun, on February 3. The tossing of beans keeps away evil spirits. The day marks the day before the traditional start of spring on the old calendar. Of course, spring actually begins on the vernal equinox near the end of March, but somehow, maybe psychologically, it feels like the onset of spring is coming. Today is quite cold. But after Setsubun you start to feel it’s almost spring, and you start seeing Sakura buds appearing, and winter begins to fade away. #Japan
In Japan, today is #Setsubun #節分, the holiday that marks the turning point from Winter towards Spring and is known for throwing beans at people dressed as demons (or just throwing them out the window). The neighborhood Shinto priest told us that people throw beans because beans were the baseline food for agricultural people, holding the power of survival when there was no other food. So you chase away poverty, illness, hunger, depression, despair... with beans.