Szczerze mówiąc, jestem wściekły, że versioningit istnieje. To jest gorsze niż wynajdywanie koła na nowo. To jest zbudowanie kwadratowego koła, reklamowanie go jako najlepszy wynalazek od czasu krojonego chleba i odmowa wsparcia okrągłych osi.
Wuchta wiary włożyła wuchtę roboty w setuptools-scm. Jest dobre, rozwiązano problemy, o których większość ludzi nawet nie myśli, jest przyjazne tworców paczek dystrybucji.
A versioningit reklamuje się jako "w odróżnieniu od innych, pozwalający na łatwe dostosowanie formatu wersji" (tłum. własne). No super. Powinniście się też pochwalić, że w odróżnieniu od innych obsługuje tylko dwa najczęstsze przypadki i odmawia wsparcia całej reszty.
Tanie obejście problemu paczek w Pythonie, które przypadkiem instalują `tests` (albo `examples`, itp.) przez błędne użycie `find_packages()`:
sed -i -e '/find_packages(/d' || die
Wykorzystuje nową logikę automatycznego wyszukiwania paczek w #setuptools, która powinna sprawdzić się dla większości projektów. W #Gentoo możemy zakładać, że odpowiednio nowa wersja setuptools jest zainstalowana.
Inne wiadomości ze świata #Python: nowy backend #pep517 #scikit-build-core okazuje się psuć #setuptools na jeszcze jeden sposób. Tym razem błąd zauważono przy wykorzystaniu #pdm-backend.
A, fail2ban też psuje. Może to ten sam problem.
poprzedni bug (psuł rozszerzenia #RustLang):
#rustlang #pdm #setuptools #scikit #pep517 #python
Co więcej, #pydantic 2 wymaga #RustLang. Musiałem zamaskować 6 paczek, i wyłączyć niektóre funkcje w 4 kolejnych na profilach #Gentoo WD40.
Jakimś cudem jeszcze nie straciliśmy #setuptools (było blisko).
#python #setuptools #gentoo #rustlang #pydantic
Mieliśmy w #Gentoo wczoraj zgłoszony paskudny bug (na szczęście z tinderboksa, a nie prawdziwego systemu) — paczki #Python z rozszerzeniami #RustLang nie instalowały owych rozszerzeń.
ionen określił, że winę ponosi scikit-build-core. Ruszyłem do boju uzbrojony w print()y, i określiłem, że scikit-build-core i #setuptools-rust oba nadpisują metodę Distribution.has_ext_modules(). Jeśli ten pierwszy jest wywołany jako drugi w kolejności, to nadpisuje metodę nadpisaną wcześniej przez setuptools-rust i rozszerzenia w Ruście są ignorowane.
#setuptools #rustlang #python #gentoo
#Gentoo had a very bad bug reported yesterday (fortunately hit by tinderbox, not real system) — #Python #RustLang packages not installing extensions.
ionen figured out scikit-build-core is to blame. I braced my print()s and determined that the cause is that both scikit-build-core and #setuptools-rust are overriding Distribution.has_ext_modules() method. If the entry point of the former is executed later, it overwrites setuptools-rust and Rust extensions are ignored.
#gentoo #python #rustlang #setuptools
So, #Python is slowly abandoning `` which has served us well for years.
That's fine, there were some good reasons for doing that. I guess the approach taken by #Rust, #Go, and #NodeJS possibly gave some ideas there.
Question is, how does one migrate? #setuptools can do plug-ins, is there one that can analyse the `setup` object you create, and spit out a `pyproject.toml` file from it?
Also, can I ship a `` that reads the `pyproject.toml` and provides backward-compatibility?
#python #rust #go #nodejs #setuptools
TIL that `wheel` is not needed as build requirement when using `setuptools`!
> Historically this documentation has unnecessarily listed `wheel` in the `requires` list, and many projects still do that. This is not recommended.
#setuptools #python #packaging #pypa
Decided it's about time I got to grips with the current #Python #packaging system, starting with using a pyproject.toml file. Then I find #setuptools (which seems to have a new version every week) stopped supporting Python 3.6 before it added pyproject.toml support. Python 3.6 is what's installed in my current #OpenSUSE 15.4 desktop machine.
#OpenSUSE #setuptools #packaging #Python
Remember when I was concerned that #setuptools-style namespace being already installed to system trigger DeprecationWarnings when pkg_resources are imported? Well, that's no longer a real problem…
…because 67.5.0+ now unconditionally emit a DeprecationWarning when pkg_resources are imported. Expecting a lot of #pytest-based test suites to start suddenly failing. Fortunately, #Gentoo should be mostly unaffected (we force -Wdefault).
#setuptools #pytest #gentoo #python
Pre-#pep420 #Python namespaces are deprecated for quite a while. #setuptools started warning about use of namespace_packages= arg, and importing pkg_resources can throw a lot of deprecation warnings about namespace_packages.txt installed by other packages.
We've been removing explicit namespaces in #Gentoo for a while but it wasn't complete. Now I'm working on making the eclass strip pkg_resources namespaces completely.
#pep420 #python #setuptools #gentoo
So I was thinking: now that pip does all builds isolated, let's get rid of #setuptools in ensurepip. Turns out they've already thought of that ;-).
To provide more context, I've pushed new pypi.eclass update up for review. It features two changes:
- sdist and wheel filenames are normalized by default
- #Gentoo versions are translated into common PEP 440 equivalents by default
The latter is painless, the former can be painful because #setuptools still don't follow PEP 625, so all packages using uppercase or dots need `--no-normalize`, sigh.
I've added a section on fixing poetry include issue to the #Gentoo #Python Guide, and updated the section on #setuptools installing stray test packages to cover declarative configs as well. Both can be now found in the QA chapter.
Good evening #hivemind. Best way to make #Python imports work for both #PyPI #package #builds and also when running as a #script? #python3 #pythonista #build #setuptools
#hivemind #python #pypi #package #builds #script #python3 #pythonista #build #setuptools
Oh the joys of #Python #pep517.
So I was happy that #setuptools finally adapted for new packaging, and we could finally unblock it in #Gentoo.
Now I've discovered that pdm-pep517 (the legacy project, the one that was discontinued in favor of a rename/rewrite, after 4 packages started using it) requires old packaging. Blocker-class sigh.
Maybe I should just sed it into a flit-core and stop bothering.
#python #pep517 #setuptools #gentoo
Good news, eveeryone! #setuptools 67.0.0 is now in #Gentoo, and it unblocks dev-python/packaging upgrade.
Note that this implies making setuptools more strict e.g. about version syntax, so some packages may explode due to invalid versions or dependencies. Particularly beware of `;` usage in one-line install_requires/extras_require:
Another #Python #setuptools discovery to brighten our day. It turns out that the `SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION` trick we've been using to make GitHub archives installable doesn't guarantee that all files are installed.
So we're looking at 65 packages potentially installing a subset of their Python packages in #Gentoo right now. Most notably, `py.typed` markers could be msising.