“Seventh Heaven” (1937) — Director Henry King with stars Simone Simon and James Stewart. I watched this version instead of the original 1927 silent with Janet Gaynor and now I believe I chose poorly. I’ll have to try the original after this one has faded from my mind.
#oldhollywood #jamesstewart #simonesimon #seventhheaven
#OneWeekendInStirling is in #SeventhHeaven this year.
Yep, it's the SEVENTH year of our wonderfully inclusive One Weekend In Stirling mini-festival.
Thu 14 - Sun 17 Sept
The Settle Inn
91 St Mary's Wynd
FREE (DonationsWelcomed)
#getinvolved #seventhheaven #oneweekendinstirling
Did you why the number 7 is so important in human culture?
Ancient observers noticed that seven heavenly objects (the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) moved at different paces in the sky both from each other and from the fixed stars beyond them.
Those #WanderingStars formed the first deities in many cultures.
#religion #history #seventhheaven #wanderingstars
86 years ago:
Seventh Heaven (US)
A Parisian sewer worker longs for a rise in status and a beautiful wife. He rescues a girl from the police, lives with her in a barren flat on the seventh floor, and then marches away to war.
#SeventhHeaven #HenryKing #JamesStewart #GregoryRatoff #SigRuman #BarbaraMcLean #20thCenturyFox #ClassicMovies
#seventhheaven #henryking #jamesstewart #gregoryratoff #sigruman #barbaramclean #20thcenturyfox #classicmovies
65 years ago:
Seventh Heaven (IT,FR)
Original title: Le septième ciel
"Le septième ciel" became Raymond Bernard's last film; a black comedy about a female brewery owner who donates vast amounts of money to charitable causes. The funds to do this, she raises through her liaisons with wealthy gentlemen... who just "happen" to end up dead!
#SeventhHeaven #DanielleDarrieux #CharlotteGuilbert #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#seventhheaven #danielledarrieux #charlotteguilbert #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
Pilar Albajar & Antonio Altarriba
Séptimo cielo