In attesa della seconda stagione di #Severance, Apple ha pubblicato su YouTube 8 ore di colonna sonora della serie tv.
After an awkward delay from May to August I finally got the soundtrack (Innie Edition) for #AppleTV series #Severance yesterday. #soundtrack Now all I need is some sort of vinyl player to hear it!
#appletv #severance #soundtrack
The first app I want #Apple to deliver with the Vision Pro is a work-from-home #Severance app so I’ll have company while I work. Every time I finish a project I can get the melon party! All Hail Kier!
📺 💻 Severance (💡 Dan Erickson | 👁️ Apple TV+).
J'avais peur que la série se résume à son pitch qui pose des enjeux forts, mais s'étire autour de celui-ci inutilement.
Ce n'est pas le cas, grâce à l'écriture des personnages et de leurs relations, qui permet de survivre à ce concept fort pour créer de l'attachement à plus long terme.
Evidemment, choix visuels très à l'avenant, avec ces architectures impossibles et ces couleurs anonymes. Casting à la hauteur.
#severance #tv #series #appletv
Yah, can't wait for #Severance to return. It wrapped filming and was done before the Actor / Writer strikes afaik.
When does it RETURN?!
#Severance was so good but I could understand feeling the same way about it.
In keeping with the #workplace theme and my #AppleTVPlus trial period, I'm following up #TedLasso with a workplace show of a slightly different flavor: #Severance
#workplace #appletvplus #tedlasso #severance
Severance Staffel 1 hat einfach mal den miesesten Cliffhanger ever. Habe komplett fertig den TV angeschrien und nach einer Auflösung verlangt. Zum Glück habe ich die Serie jetzt erst gesehen - und Staffel 2 steht in den Startlöchern. Würde mit dieser Ungewissheit nicht lange leben wollen/können. #appletvplus #Severance #Cliffhanger
#appletvplus #severance #cliffhanger
Hatte nach langer Pause mal wieder Apple tv+ geholt, eigentlich für #Foundation Staffel 2. Die ist aber leider übelst trashig geworden - bin komplett enttäuscht. Dann habe ich aus Neugierde #Silo geschaut und gleichzeitig wurde mir noch #Severance empfohlen. Jetzt habe ich zwar leichten Realitätsverlust, aber dafür auch zwei neue Lieblingsserien! ☺️ #appletv #appletvplus
#foundation #silo #severance #appletv #appletvplus
I've been bingeing #scifi series on Apple TV, and now in my head I'm working through a script for a #Severance -> #Silo tie-in series.
Retro SciFi Film of the Week…
The Twilight Zone: The Brain Center at Whipple's (1964)
Several Twilight Zone episodes dealt with machines coming to life or taking over or messing things up. In this one the protagonist is a heartless company president who lays off a bunch of workers at his factory and replaces them with computers.
During the late 50s and early 60s there was a Liddite surge in response to computers that had begun to replace mechanical and electromechanical tabulating machines. The old tabulating machines required a lot of manual labor to operate and maintain them. The new computers were replacing a lot of workers, so some people were upset about it. (Of course all those jobs working with the tabulating machines would never have existed if those machines hadn't replaced the human computers and tabulators who did the calculating in the 19th century.)
Computers began to ship in larger quantities in the early 60s because they started to use transistors which reduced the costs significantly compared to the vacuum tube models.
If it’s been a while since you’ve seen it, I highly recommend a revisit of this episode with its timely narrative.
Accessible video description:
A man is watching a film with a company president talking about how a new computer is going to save the company a lot of money, the company president is a bald-headed guy with glasses wearing a suit, he is writing on a chalkboard, the man watching the film is sitting near the projector; then the guy who was in the film is now talking to the man who was viewing the film and asking him for his critique; cut to a guy who picks up a metal bar and starts hitting a computer causing sparks to fly and the bald-headed man grabs a gun and shoots at the guy hitting the computer; then a guy in a lab coat talks to the president about how bad it is now that nobody is working at the company and how empty it is and then the guy in the lab coat walks out; cut to the end title Twilight Zone.
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#science #fiction #ScienceFiction #SciFi #FTW #sfftw #film #movie #management #labor #strike #computer #IBM #IBM1401 #severance #RobbyRobot #robot #luddite #neoluddite
(fair use clips from the episode)
#movie #labor #ibm1401 #science #fiction #sciencefiction #ftw #sfftw #film #scifi #management #strike #computer #ibm #severance #RobbyRobot #luddite #NeoLuddite #robot
Dream journaling again. I was rewatching #Severance with a friend yesterday, and I think it got to me somehow. Dreamt I couldn't stop spitting up viscous black goo.
Told the friend about it and her response was, verbatim, "Congrats! You love goo!" (which, to be fair, I *had* kept saying while watching) and it's just so fucking funny. She really went and added "loves goo" to my reputation.
La saison 2 a été retardée par la grève à Hollywood mais je viens de finir pour une deuxième fois la saison 1 de Severance (Dissociation) sur Apple TV+. J'adore vraiment cette série. Tellement qu’elle vient juste après Breaking Bad dans mon top 2 ! #severance #dissociation
Hace mucho tiempo que un capitulo no me tenía en suspenso y con tanta tensión de principio a fin, una serie que fue escalando de menos a más en cada capítulo, y eso que empezó demasiado bien, se fue superando a si misma, no puedo esperar a que salgan los nuevos capítulos, los necesito ya.
#Severance S01E09 #TKZseries
El problema de terminar la primera temporada de #Silo en #AppleTV es que ahora no encontramos nada a su altura hasta que estrenen la segunda.
(Salvo que nos cuelen la segunda de #Severance).
Hé mais c'est que c'est sacrément bien foutu votre série là.
Projector Room #142 “Severance of Destiny” 13/07/2023
Gareth Myles, Allan Gildea and Ted Salmon are back again with t
#Podcast #ProjectorRoom #AlanArkin #BloodGold #CharlesBronson #CornerOffice #DeathWish #DialOfDestiny #film #GarethEdwards #ISeeYou #IndianaJones #IndianaJonesV #indy #InsideMan #LostKing #MissionImpossible #Netflix #outlaws #podcast #SaveTheCinema #Severance #sick #Silo #SoundOfFreedom #TheCreator #tv
#TV #thecreator #SoundOfFreedom #silo #sick #severance #savethecinema #outlaws #Netflix #MissionImpossible #lostking #InsideMan #indy #indianajonesv #indianajones #iseeyou #garethedwards #Film #dialofdestiny #deathwish #corneroffice #charlesbronson #bloodgold #alanarkin #projectorroom #Podcast
#Elon #Musk, #Twitter Sued for $500 Million in #Severance Benefits source:#rollingstone #sanfrancisco #laborlaws #bankrupt #realestate #rents #X #tech #tesla #mkt
#elon #musk #twitter #severance #rollingstone #sanfrancisco #laborlaws #bankrupt #realestate #rents #x #tech #tesla #mkt