Looks like the original post was erased when moving, apologies !
The photo from that #SewageSaturday contribution; manhole in Katsushika, Tokyo.
#oc #photography #εη #tokyo #ζ±δΊ¬ #sewagesaturday
@morningcloud66 Looks like the original post was erased when moving, apologies !
The photo from that #SewageSaturday contribution; manhole in Katsushika, Tokyo.
#oc #photography #εη #tokyo #ζ±δΊ¬ #sewagesaturday
Found this pokeball in La Ronde Montreal, technically not sewage, but was too cute to not post π
Taking the chance to start sharing/documenting my collection of #artistic manhole covers from various places around the world. This particular one is from Keelung, north #Taiwan , and is located near a tourist spot, hence the decorative design and the plug type cover.
#collection #manholecovers #sewagesaturday #taiwan #artistic