“Scandal is to society what confession is to the sinner. It’s a catharsis [that] fixes nothing: the hostile environments, the sewage in the seas, the peerages for political donors. And what’s the result? Do we arrest anyone? Can we change anything? Of course not … In glorious democracies such as ours, we get to moan about it instead.”
#corruption #UK #ukcorruption #tories #sewagescandal
At the GE, whenever it is, just remember that Tory MPs voted to allow water companies to continue to pollute our rivers and the sea. That includes the MP for #Henley, John Howell.
Tories apparently believe that profit comes before people.
#henley #henleyroyalregatta #sewagescandal #gtto #thameswater
Hope you got something brown and sticky over your face today
But not something brown and sticky from the Conservative Party
#TorySewageParty #sewagescandal
I heard Labour want to play lowbrow so here's a meme for them
#sewagescandal #TorySewageParty
Have a fabulous Easter weekend everyone!
Why not get to a nice British beach or river for a swim?
Just don’t forget to keep your mouth closed
When it comes to not giving a fuck, #ThereseCoffey is the gold standard. Aspiring dontgiveafuckers should listen and learn.
It’s time to end the Tory Sewage Scandal.
@UKLabour will take on private companies pumping sewage into rivers across England with a 3 point plan to clean up our waterways.
RT @ManofWye
Another dry day but monmouth stp still discharging sewage into the River Wye. #sewagescandal @SaveTheWye @Feargal_Sharkey
RT @ManofWye
Another dry day but monmouth stp still discharging sewage into the River Wye. #sewagescandal @SaveTheWye @Feargal_Sharkey
RT @JimfromOldham@twitter.com
The Tories have turned England into an open sewer.
The sewage literally comes to walls of Parliament and the Government still ignore it.
#sewagescandal https://twitter.com/feargal_sharkey/status/1611286943194841088
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JimfromOldham/status/1611290798204542981
So... next time you ask your MP a question would you expect a visit from the police? 👇
RT @WCountryVoices
STOP PRESS! The police/MP story. It might strike you as slight, until you stop to think about it...
@Feargal_Sharkey @sascampaigns @peterjukes @BylineTimes
RT @WCountryVoices@twitter.com
STOP PRESS! The police/MP story. It might strike you as slight, until you stop to think about it...
@Feargal_Sharkey@twitter.com @sascampaigns@twitter.com @peterjukes@twitter.com @BylineTimes@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/WCountryVoices/status/1597248657090174976
RT @WCountryVoices@twitter.com
STOP PRESS! The police/MP story. It might strike you as slight, until you stop to think about it...
@Feargal_Sharkey@twitter.com @sascampaigns@twitter.com @peterjukes@twitter.com @BylineTimes@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/WCountryVoices/status/1597248657090174976
RT @sascampaigns@twitter.com
What happened to only releasing after 'unusually heavy' rainfall? 🤔
🚨 We've uncovered 146 'dry spills', instances when sewage was released despite there being no rain. 95 occurred at bathing sites rated 'Excellent' 😬 #SewageScandal
Find out more: https://buff.ly/3VlvRv8
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/sascampaigns/status/1595772581998694403
RT @GreenJJNews@twitter.com
The government quietly dropped the scientifically based Water Directive standards for all water sources in 2017 and are replacing them with 75% of rivers being in their 'natural state' whatever that means @GreenJennyJones@twitter.com explains what nonsense this is #SewageScandal
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GreenJJNews/status/1596073503379591169
A pally email from my water company asking me to help them to help me conserve water when throughout the summer they were pouring gallons of untreated sewage into the local rivers isn't a good look. #SewageScandal #RawSewage #ProfitsBeforePublicHealth
#sewagescandal #rawsewage #profitsbeforepublichealth