I have made some money sewing leather accessories, handbags, wallets, bags, costumes and costume accessories. Haven’t really wanted do it full time. Wouldn’t pay the bills. Gaining interest with the local gaming community for leather drawstring bags for carrying gaming accessories.
#Sewing #DiceBags #SewingLeather #SewingBags #40K
#40k #sewingbags #sewingleather #diceBags #sewing
7 dice bags done. 3 more to go. How many more days until Christmas? 😩
#Dice #DiceBags #DiceGoblins #DandD #Warhammer #SewingLeather #Sewing #Crafts #Handmade
#handmade #crafts #sewing #sewingleather #warhammer #dandd #dicegoblins #diceBags #dice
Bags in the making, and some finished. It’s a project! #Dice #DiceBags #Crafter #DiceGoblins #Sewing #SewingProjects #DandD #Warhammer #SewingLeather
#sewingleather #warhammer #dandd #sewingprojects #sewing #dicegoblins #crafter #diceBags #dice