Paused my #sewing and rehabbing of #vintage and #antique #SewingMachines to create some #Halloween #CreepyArt out of bits I have on-hand.
I have an idea of where I want to end up. Let's see if I get there. 🎃
#sewing #vintage #antique #sewingmachines #halloween #creepyart
Paused my #sewing and rehabbing #vintage and #antique #SewingMachines to create some #Halloween #CreepyArt out of bits I have on-hand.
I have an idea of where I want to end up. Let's see if I get there. 🎃
#sewing #vintage #antique #sewingmachines #halloween #creepyart
Has anyone here used a Brother RL-425? Thoughts? #sewing #sewingMachines #recomend #review
#sewing #sewingmachines #recomend #review
Today my singer 66k treadle goes into storage but I managed to finish a pair of curtains before bubble wrapping the cabinet. My apartment is starting to echo and my cat is freaking out lol. I cannot wait to move! I've successfully mentally moved out I just need to do it physically 😂 @sewing #sewing #crafts #sewingmachines #unitedkingdom #belfast #NorthernIreland
#NorthernIreland #Belfast #unitedkingdom #sewingmachines #crafts #sewing
Take a look at this old beauty! I rediscovered her as I was moving things about my tiny, tiny apartment. She along with quite a number of my #sewingmachines is going into storage as I prepare myself to move to a new (bigger) apartment. She's an unbranded German machine, much more advanced than #singers 28 model of the same era. I just thought I'd share this with you all in case she disappears into the background again. I hope everyone is having a great weekend 🤪 #sewing #crafting #quilting
#quilting #crafting #sewing #singers #sewingmachines
Today in Connecticut History -
December 19: A Stitch in Time Pays Off
#TodayInCTHistory #TodayinConnecticutHistory
#19thcentury #allenwilson #bridgeport #industry #industrialrevolution #invention #technology #nathanielwheeler. #sewingmachines #singersewingmachine #uspatents #watertown #wheelerandwilson
#wheelerandwilson #watertown #uspatents #singersewingmachine #sewingmachines #nathanielwheeler #Technology #invention #industrialrevolution #industry #bridgeport #allenwilson #19thcentury #todayinconnecticuthistory #todayincthistory
Today in Connecticut History -
December 19: A Stitch in Time Pays Off
Read the Story and Subscribe for Daily Updates
#TodayInCTHistory #TodayinConnecticutHistory
#19thcentury #allenwilson #bridgeport #industry #industrialrevolution #invention #technology #nathanielwheeler. #sewingmachines #singersewingmachine #uspatents #watertown #wheelerandwilson
#wheelerandwilson #watertown #uspatents #singersewingmachine #sewingmachines #nathanielwheeler #Technology #invention #industrialrevolution #industry #bridgeport #allenwilson #19thcentury #todayinconnecticuthistory #todayincthistory
Thanks for your written feed back in a click based plattform like #Mastodon (Click on #boost and like is the interaction which more than 90% of the readers/users did so far) If you liked this and are into #sewing then may be you like as well the #pedal powered #machines, which earlier powered the old #pre-electrical #sewingmachines :
#mastodon #boost #sewing #pedal #machines #pre #sewingmachines
Congrats. Nice to hear of old stuff finding a good home. I run a 1948 Elna. No fancy stitching, just forward and back.. but it does
#reuse #secondhand #sewingmachines
#reuse #secondhand #sewingmachines
Let's get to it! :blobflexawwL: :blobflexawwR:
#repair #sewing #sewingmachines #dyi #fablab #makerspace #necchi #veritas
#necchi #veritas #fablab #makerspace #sewingmachines #repair #sewing #dyi
Sooooooo I *did* buy this one because it was $10 and I wanted the cabinet for another machine.
The wiring is so rotted that I can’t test the motor, but beyond needing a cleaning and a good oiling, the motion is working pretty well. I had planned to just get the cabinet and move it out, but I’m already growing attached to the goofy boi because I have a problem :|
#sewing #sewingmachines #vintagesewingmachines
#vintageSewingMachines #sewingmachines #sewing
This was the first sewing machine I bought. Her motor has a squirrelly brush, so I gently roll the hand wheel to start, and then she will do whatever the fuck I want. She sewed through 16 layers of denim. She is a beast and she owns my heart. Everyone else hates working with her, but she’s my tsunsdere beloved.
She’s a Necchi Supernova Julia, from the last year they were made in Italy before production moved to Thailand.
#sewing #sewingmachines #vintageSewingMachines
#vintageSewingMachines #sewingmachines #sewing
This is my grandmothers machine, a Singer FashionMate. My parents had it serviced before they gave it to me and the technician out the needle bar in crooked so in the descent, the needle hits the outside of the bobbin case.
I keep it because of Complicated Feelings reasons, and probably always will, but don’t foresee a point of time where I get it repaired.
#sewing #sewingmachines #vintageSewingMachines
#vintageSewingMachines #sewingmachines #sewing
My daily driver is this Babylock BL9. It is literally the cheapest machine that they make. It lists for $200, but stores regularly sell them for $100 because they are a dirt simple machine and an excellent way to get people started.
Also it has stiched through 12 layers of khaki with a minimum of railroading. It’s like the brave little toaster of sewing machines and I love him.
#sewing #sewingmachines
Alright, big work of the day complete. I’m going to talk about my vast array of extremely goofy sewing machines.
I own two modern machines, and the fanciest of them is the Singer Futura. Adjustable needle spacing! Embroidery capabilities! Also a needle broke inside the needle bar and it’s 2/3rd the cost of the machine to get it out!
It makes a fine paperweight. One day I will get around to doing fixing it myself, but that day is not today.
#sewing #sewingmachines