Electropict · @electropict
27 followers · 524 posts · Server mastodon.scot

I know there’s got to be a simple command-line way of doing this, but disgusted that because I don’t know it offhand I just spent ten minutes getting LibreOffice to sum a list of times, because ordinary calculator utilities don’t do .  Binary octal hex, yes.  Degrees (/hours) minutes seconds, no.  It’d almost have been faster with a pencil.

Depressing since the first hardware I used (in the 70s, and it lasted nearly 30 years) did.  (Canon 8T; miss it.)

#progress #calculator #sexagesimal

Last updated 1 year ago

numération babylonienne explication

les babyloniens ont utilisé une grande variété de systèmes de : strict avec les clous et chevrons, décimal mélangeant du sexagésimal ou . pour une meilleure compréhension, on classe ici sous le terme de "babyloniens" les , les et les .


#numeration #sexagesimal #decimal #babyloniens #akkadiens #sumeriens #calcul #chiffrement

Last updated 2 years ago

Asbjørn Ulsberg · @bitbear
293 followers · 1294 posts · Server icosahedron.website

Sexagesimal numbers, anchors, aliases, and tags, the Norway problem, and non-string keys – if you believe YAML is simple, you must be a very complex human being.

@ruuda writes expertly about how complex YAML really is:


#yaml #complex #complexity #format #standard #sexagesimal

Last updated 2 years ago