【🎾】Until the masculinity disappears out
of body and heart, the Transgender players
shall never participate in any kinds of the
female matches. That's not discriminatory.
It's the must to protect the pure femininity.
I am 100% in favour of Navratilova's idea.
#Woman #Tennis #transGender
#SexDiscrimination #Sexism
#cisGender #Navratilova
#navratilova #cisgender #sexism #sexdiscrimination #transgender #tennis #woman
69% of the world's population is still convinced men make better political leaders than women.
27% believe that women having the same rights as men is essential for democracy.
46% think men have a higher claim to a job than women, and 43% believe men make better business leaders.
28% believe university education is more important for men.
Alarmingly, a quarter of those surveyed still believe that a man beating his wife is justifiable.
I've worked at Nike as a contractor many times, and I found the corporate culture to be cult-like. Nothing here surprises me.
' A 2018 memo offered revealing numbers on the advancement of women at Nike.
Overall, Nike’s total workforce was 51% men, 49% women. But among employees classified as “people managers,” the ratio was 59% male, 41% female. Among “leadership/management,” the ratio was 64% male, 36% female. '
#women #sexdiscrimination #sexualharrassment #nike
This is so true, and doesn't just apply to ending sexual harassment. From today's article in The Saturday Paper by Julia Banks: "At the end of the day, the burden of making structural changes relies on those in power to put words to actions and lead by example......Speaking out or speaking truth to power should not fall on the shoulders of the few, or of those less powerful."
Respect is essential not only in workplaces, but throughout the community.
#Discrimination, #SexDiscrimination, #Equality, #Respect
#discrimination #sexdiscrimination #equality #respect
This is so true, and doesn't just apply to ending sexual harassment. From today's article in The Saturday Paper by Julia Banks: "At the end of the day, the burden of making structural changes relies on those in power to put words to actions and lead by example......Speaking out or speaking truth to power should not fall on the shoulders of the few, or of those less powerful."
Respect is essential not only in workplaces, but throughout the community.
#Discrimination, #SexDiscrimination, #Equality, #Respect
#discrimination #sexdiscrimination #equality #respect
RT @LEdwardsShea@twitter.com
Waspi women warn against state pension age rises: 'It's not right to expect people to work till they drop' - inews #Waspi #1950sWomen #PensionTheft #BackTo60 #SexDiscrimination #50sWomen https://apple.news/ANzkJupfxQumkeTSrKrc1CQ
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LEdwardsShea/status/1598476281791791104
#waspi #1950swomen #pensiontheft #backto60 #sexdiscrimination #50swomen