My collaboration with Jay Jinsing Falk on MJ West-Eberhard's concept on #Cross-SexualTransfer is now in a more readable print version. It was great experience being part of an amazing symposium at #SICB2023 on Sex & Diversity. If you are interested in #SexDiversity #SexualSelection and #Evolution please give this a read. Can't wait for the finalized issue!
#cross #sicb2023 #sexdiversity #sexualselection #Evolution
I think this can help explain #SexDiversity especially since we know the signals can vary due to environment and genetics at the individual level. Evolution may cause some variants to spread leading to population or species-wide #CrossSexualTransfer. A plastic response may also be favored as individuals can respond to new environments by adjusting trait values more typical of the other sex.
#sexdiversity #crosssexualtransfer
Today, after years of work, the American Naturalist has just accepted my proposed Ancestral Modulation Hypothesis in #SexDiversity, #SexualSelection, and #CrossSexualTransfer as a perspective and synthesis. This framework will guide my research can be used across a range of studies on sex-bias and regulation and explain the diversity we see. It was built with the help and guidance of my post-doctoral mentor and coauthor Suzy Renn.
#sexdiversity #sexualselection #crosssexualtransfer