Cleo of Topless Topics · @toplesstopics
601 followers · 5391 posts · Server

If you're curious, here's the Instagram post I made sharing a screenshot of Adidas' own post that features barely-censored female nipples in it, so I can see how long I, a non-famous, -unapproved activist can get away with the same thing before -my- post gets 😜​

If the link doesn't work, that means the post got banned!

#patriarchy #toplessequality #banned #feminism #genderequality #censorship #sexequality #equalrights

Last updated 2 years ago

Eyoki · @wiletha
34 followers · 337 posts · Server

Found this today on sex and equality law (relating to the legal changes in ). Apart from clarifications of the I was interested in the mention of research on changes in post-transition for men and women. I wonder how pre-transition incomes compare? Without this information I'm not sure how any changes can be interpreted. Useful document anyhow.

#gender #grc #scotland #law #income #trans #GenderEquality #sexequality #genderlaw

Last updated 2 years ago