Trying to process what it means if we truly disentangle ourselves from the damage of #Blanchard-ianism, and reading #AASECT talking super casual about the "#desire to be desired" as being the most commonly cited components of sexual identity among #cisgender women responding to survey method study after study. Is that research flawed? You betcha. Does it contain a lot of harmful stuff? most certainly. But is it really possible Whispers there completely missed this much #sexological research on women's sexuality? He writes as if cisgender women have no sexual desires or wants— that want itself is somehow anathema to femininity. #transphobia #SexualHealth
#blanchard #AASECT #desire #cisgender #sexological #transphobia #sexualhealth
Trying to process what it means if we truly disentangle ourselves from the damage of #Blanchard-ianism, and reading #AASECT talking super casual about the "#desire to be desired" as being the most commonly cited components of sexual identity among #cisgender women responding to survey method study after study. Is that research flawed? You betcha. Does it contain a lot of harmful stuff? most certainly. But is it really possible Whispers there completely missed this much #sexological research on women's sexuality? He writes as if cisgender women have no sexual desires of wants. That want itself is somehow anathema to femininity.
#blanchard #AASECT #desire #cisgender #sexological