@Li We'd just have #XML instead, because somehow the obvious superiority of #SExpressions isn't understood by all.
I think the problem isn't quite that simple, because most of the issues with #XML are representational.
Consider #SXML-like equivalents for #MathML https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MathML#Content_MathML
A Plist is even shorter and simpler a representation than JSON objects.
#json #xml #SXML #mathml #sexp #sexpressions
The thing about s-expressions is that they are already part of the english language (and other languages (but not all)).
#lisp #sexpressions
I have been wanting for a while to edit linear #sexpressions in
different contexts in #emacs. Some time ago I wrote a function using
the separedit #elisp library and it has been so useful
and so simple to write that I feel I have to share it!
(so (if (you (have to (edit (linear (s- (expressions (maybe this)))))))))
is interesting for you!
#emacs #EmacsLisp #lisp #LispBlog #blog #ergonomics
#sexpressions #emacs #elisp #emacslisp #lisp #lispblog #blog #ergonomics #literateprogramming