Sextortion: una minacciosa email di YouPorn minaccia la pubblicazione di video intimi
In #rete è stata scoperta una nuova truffa di “#sextortion”, in cui gli aggressori travestiti da #rappresentanti del popolare sito per adulti #YouPorn affermano di possedere un #video #compromettente che ritrae il destinatario della lettera e offrono servizi a #pagamento per rimuoverlo.
#redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #infosecurity
#rete #sextortion #rappresentanti #youporn #video #compromettente #pagamento #redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #infosecurity
Vermeide digitale Erpressung:
Schritte zur Sicherung deiner intimen Informationen und zum Umgang mit #Sextortion.
#SocialMedia #China #Twitter #Sextortion #Scams: "- Chinese sextortion scammer accounts have flooded X (previously Twitter) since April after the platform introduced a new blue-check policy allowing users to buy verified badges.
- Scammers target the Chinese community’s most prominent voices, alienating many users who had turned to the platform as a crucial news source outside the Great Firewall.
- Some users have decided to take matters into their own hands, organizing online campaigns and creating software to identify, block, and harass scammers."
#socialmedia #china #twitter #sextortion #scams
#sextortion: Ignored by police, twin sisters took down their cyberstalker themselves.
Weak state laws and no federal law against non-consensual dissemination of intimate photos discouraged police from investigating a serial cyberstalker who was spreading pictures of several women online.
For once a story about a creep has a happy ending. Chris Buonocore was sentenced to 15 years in Club Fed.
Aumento del fenomeno del sextortion. La Polizia Postale avverte: massima attenzione
La #poliziapostale segnala un aumento delle #segnalazioni di casi di #sextortion. Nel mese di agosto, ne sono state ricevute oltre un centinaio, in danno di adulti e di #minori, quasi sempre di sesso maschile.
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#poliziapostale #segnalazioni #sextortion #minori #redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #infosecurity
How to keep your #children safe from #sextortion #crimes
#Sextortion plot led teen to suicide. 2 Nigerians arrive in U.S. to face charges will be charged with conspiracy to sexually exploit minors, which carries a sentence of 15-30 years; conspiracy to distribute child pornography, which has a sentence of 5-20 years; and conspiracy to commit stalking through the internet, which has a maximum sentence of five years.
I'm sorry we can't burn them at the stake.
Amid #Sextortion ’s Rise, Computer Scientists Tap A.I. to Identify Risky Apps
Researchers who found that a fifth of social networking apps have received multiple user complaints about #sexual #exploitation have launched a website to help parents vet apps.
#privacy #socialnetwork
#socialnetwork #privacy #exploitation #sexual #sextortion
Artificial intelligence technologies are being applied by investigators that can identify and stop internet crimes against children (ICAC), according to a maker of AI tools for law enforcement, government agencies, and enterprises. #AITools
#childExploitation #sextortion #ICAC #childprotection #onlinesafety #aitools
#Sextortion-Erpressungen wandern zunehmend häufig nach #Instagram rüber.
Sprecht mit euren Kids rechtzeitig über diese fiese Masche! Und seid natürlich auch selbst auf der Hut 😉🔐.
Wenn man betroffen ist, sollte man Hilfe holen und nicht auf die Forderungen der Erpresser:innen eingehen.
Rat auf Draht gibt Tipps, wie verhindert werden kann, dass Nacktbilder ungewollt veröffentlicht werden:
Weitere Hilfestellung bei #Sextortion gibt es von
Wenn User:innen im Internet mit ihren Nacktbildern oder -videos erpresst werden, nennt man das #Sextortion =Sex + Extortion (Erpressung). Bei Rat auf Draht stiegen die Beratungsanfragen von Jugendlichen im letzten Halbjahr zu dieser Thematik um 39 %. Das Safer Internet Centre Österreich schafft Aufmerksamkeit und Bewusstsein für dieses Thema, damit Jugendliche wissen, wie sie mit dieser Herausforderung umgehen können.
Wizz users beware
Stay safe in this digital space
Avoid sextortion
#wizz #sextortion #teenagersafety #haiku #poetry
Smashing Security podcast #331: Boris Johnson’s WhatsApps, and sextorting party girls #SmashingSecurity #Securitythreats #BorisJohnson #Coronavirus #sextortion #Law&order #WhatsApp #Podcast #Privacy #Mobile #PIN
#SmashingSecurity #Securitythreats #borisjohnson #coronavirus #sextortion #law #whatsapp #podcast #privacy #mobile #pin
Smashing Security podcast #331: Boris Johnson’s WhatsApps, and sextorting party girls - Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson wants to hand over his WhatsApp messages - or does he... #smashingsecurity #securitythreats #borisjohnson #coronavirus #sextortion #lawℴ #whatsapp #podcast #privacy #mobile #pin
#pin #mobile #privacy #podcast #whatsapp #lawℴ #sextortion #coronavirus #borisjohnson #securitythreats #smashingsecurity
Threat actors are lifting public images and videos from the Internet, altering them, and posting them online in a new wave of #sextortion campaigns☝️🤖 #cybercrime
#FBI warnt: Zahl der #Sextortion-Fälle nimmt zu, KI erleichtert Manipulation | heise online #DeepFake #ArtificialIntelligence
#artificialintelligence #deepfake #sextortion #fbi
Fraudulent, AI-created
Robbing of trust, robbing of time
Real people, fake sex, extortion schemes
#deepfakes #ai #sextortion #cybercrime #cinquain #poetry
#FBI warns of increasing use of AI-generated #deepfakes in #sextortion schemes
#privacy #ai
#ai #privacy #sextortion #deepfakes #fbi
The FBI is warning of malicious actors creating synthetic content/histories by manipulating benign photographs or videos to target victims. AI enabled manipulation can alter the images/voices. The photos or videos are then publicly circulated on social media or pornographic websites, for the purpose of harassing victims or sextortion schemes.