Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Almost 2 Million Women Now Live in 'Double Deserts' Without Abortion or Maternity Care #Jezebel #blackmaternalmortalityintheunitedstates #sexualandreproductivehealth #abortioninindia #jessicavalenti #eugenedeclercq #maternaldeath #juliastrasser #socialissues #pregnancy #midwifery #abortion #roevwade #wade #roe
#jezebel #blackmaternalmortalityintheunitedstates #sexualandreproductivehealth #abortioninindia #jessicavalenti #eugenedeclercq #maternaldeath #juliastrasser #socialissues #pregnancy #midwifery #abortion #roevwade #wade #roe
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Domestic Violence Hotline Reports 99% Increase in Calls Post-Roe #Jezebel #sexualandreproductivehealth #intimatepartnerviolence #abortionrightsmovements #reproductivecoercion #reproductiverights #violenceagainstmen #crimesagainstwomen #domesticviolence #wagatwewanjuki #womensrights #socialissues #janestoever #mensrights #midwifery #politics #roevwade #wade #roe
#jezebel #sexualandreproductivehealth #intimatepartnerviolence #abortionrightsmovements #reproductivecoercion #reproductiverights #violenceagainstmen #crimesagainstwomen #domesticviolence #wagatwewanjuki #WomensRights #socialissues #janestoever #mensrights #midwifery #politics #roevwade #wade #roe
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Meet the Woman Helping Pregnant People Fight Hellish Legal Battles Post-Roe #Jezebel #sexualandreproductivehealth #beginningofhumanpersonhood #abortionintheunitedstates #reproductiverights #sexualrevolution #pregnancyjustice #kelseycarpenter #abortiondebate #lourdesrivera #socialissues #lynnpaltrow #jaredpolis #personhood #midwifery #pregnancy #roevwade #lawcrime
#jezebel #sexualandreproductivehealth #beginningofhumanpersonhood #abortionintheunitedstates #reproductiverights #sexualrevolution #pregnancyjustice #kelseycarpenter #abortiondebate #lourdesrivera #socialissues #lynnpaltrow #jaredpolis #personhood #midwifery #pregnancy #roevwade #lawcrime
Hi Mastadon! I am struggling to figure out the best way to find great folks to follow on here. So if you’re interested in #publichealth, #GenderEquity, #gender , #health, #epidemiology, #youth, #communitybasedresearch, #sexualandreproductivehealth, and #socialjustice give me a follow and I’ll follow you back! Looking forward to connecting!
#publichealth #GenderEquity #gender #health #epidemiology #youth #communitybasedresearch #sexualandreproductivehealth #socialjustice
It seems #introductions are the way to go in building networks here!
I am passionate about #publichealth and #healthequity, with interests in both #academic #research and #policy and #healthsystems. My PhD in public health focussed on #placebased determinants of health, specifically #sexualandreproductivehealth #sexualhealth.
Other interests/passions include:
#academia (including sharing skills and knowledge)
#lgbtqi+ rights and well-being
#literature ... and many more that I'm sure I'll tap into here, one way or another
I'm also - slowly - learning #portuguese (Brazilian), so likely to follow some folk who can stretch me with vocab related to my interests.
#introductions #publichealth #healthequity #academic #research #policy #healthsystems #placebased #sexualandreproductivehealth #sexualhealth #academia #historyandphilosophyofscience #lgbtqi #sciencecommunication #cooking #literature #portuguese
In setting up Mastodon I’ve been thinking about what the differences in this site mean for how I want to use it. Here’s what I’m hoping for:
1. More space for uncertain curiosity
2. More room for learning together, what are you exploring?
3. More conversations, less yelling into the void
I hope to build/find a network of people, across disciplines that are also asking questions about how to improve #GlobalHealth #CommunityHealth and #SexualAndReproductiveHealth
I’m excited!
#sexualandreproductivehealth #communityhealth #globalhealth
i should also do a formal introduction on here too:
my name is ashlee and i am a #PublicHealth PhD candidate in #MaternalHealth studying how #Employment serves as a determinant for #SexualAndReproductiveHealth.
i am working right now on developing my dissertation proposal. i see myself as a #MixedMethods researcher, and look forward to meeting more folks from #Academia on here!
#publichealth #maternalhealth #employment #sexualandreproductivehealth #mixedmethods #academia