The Master Mariner · @KhunKai
35 followers · 483 posts · Server

I watched the Netflix Documentary "We Need To Talk About Cosby" yesterday.
It was so well made I spent the whole evening watching all 4 episodes.
Sure, there will be millions claiming it is a well organized conspiracy against him.

#netflix #documentary #billcosby #predator #sexualassult #rape

Last updated 1 year ago

Ihthisham · @unearth
1525 followers · 549 posts · Server

Marital rape could become illegal in Mississippi under a new bill that clarifies the definition of rape.

State law currently defines rape as the "ravishing any
female of previous chaste character"; the new bill would define rape far more explicitly.

It would also require a medical facility conducting forensic examination and preparing the sexual-assault evidence collection kit to inform a law enforcement agency for retrieval within four hours. Then, after receiving a call from a medical facility, the law enforcement agency would have 24 hours to obtain the kit, with the option to refrigerate it within two hours or to transport it immediately to the Mississippi Forensics Laboratory.
Yes, what ur thinking right now is right.
Previously the law only defined only rape of 'virgins' as rape.
Very progressive don't u think?
2010 Mississippi Code
Chapter 3 - Crimes Against the Person.
97-3-71 - Rape; assault with intent to ravish.
§ 97-3-71. Rape; assault with intent to ravish.

Every person who shall be convicted of an assault with intent to forcibly ravish any female of previous chaste character shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary for life, or for such shorter time as may be fixed by the jury, or by the court upon the entry of a plea of guilty.
Key Words : previous chaste

#mississippi #moreyouknow #MaritalRape #rape #sa #sexualassult #politics #women #democrats #republicans #womenrightsarehumanrights

Last updated 2 years ago

Ihthisham · @unearth
1517 followers · 530 posts · Server

She questions why Serrano won’t face prison time.

“I feel like if she was a man and he was a little girl, it would definitely be different. They would be seeking more. I feel like because he is not a woman, they are not. They are having compassion for her,” the victim’s mother said.

Under terms of the plea deal reviewed by 11 News and that the suspect signed off on, Serrano will be required to register as a sex offender, and the judge could sentence her to 10 years to life on sex offender intensive supervised probation. Serrano will avoid any jail time, since the district attorney’s office dropped the original charges to a lesser charge that does not come with mandatory jail time.

The victim’s family is also looking ahead to the next steps in this case. They plan on asking the courts to give the 13-year-old custody of the baby. Currently, Serrano has custody of the baby. Serrano will find out in May how long she’ll be on probation.

#news #sexualassult #sa #childsexualassault #csa #pedophila #justice #rape

Last updated 2 years ago

Ihthisham · @unearth
1517 followers · 529 posts · Server

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV) - A 31-year-old woman who admits to having sex with a 13-year-old boy and then becoming pregnant with his child, won’t face any jail time under a plea deal with prosecutors.

Andrea Serrano of Fountain was facing sexual assault charges after her arrest in 2022 but accepted this new plea deal to stay out of prison earlier this year.

Serrano gave birth to the baby boy after she admitted to having sex with the 13-year-old. The mother of the victim told 11 News she is not happy with the deal offered to a woman she says ruined her son’s life.

“I feel like my son is robbed of his childhood. Now he’s having to be a father. He’s a victim, and he’s going to have to live with that for the rest of his life,” the victim’s mother, who we are not identifying, told 11 News.

#news #sexualassult #sa #childsexualassault #csa #pedophila #justice #rape

Last updated 2 years ago

Frank🦁F · @Lightrider
43 followers · 2455 posts · Server
Ihthisham · @unearth
1419 followers · 404 posts · Server

6-year-old repeatedly raped by older boy on Aldine ISD school bus, his mother says

The mother initially asked the school to investigate what she thought was a somewhat minor incident after her son’s backpack was thrown out of the school bus window. Instead, once the onboard camera was reviewed, she said the school asked her to come in to speak with an Aldine ISD police officer who told her that the video showed her son being sexually abused by another student.

The mother said she took her son to the hospital when she found blood after he used the bathroom. She said her son is too young to understand what happened but she's having a difficult time coming to terms with what her son said he’s experienced.

“Inside I am dying,” the mother said. “Days of questioning, days of talking to my child, the details became more and more graphic each and every time.”

#csa #rape #sexualassult #school

Last updated 2 years ago

Ihthisham · @unearth
1384 followers · 386 posts · Server
Ihthisham · @unearth
1380 followers · 367 posts · Server

Six female ministry colleagues also came forward to denounce similar attacks and will also be compensated as part of the court's ruling, though the amounts were not disclosed.

D.B. later admitted to the newspaper Liberation that he had drugged '10 or 20' women and claimed that 'I wished I had been stopped earlier'.

#sexualassult #sa #piss #misogyny #women #spiked #drink

Last updated 2 years ago

Ihthisham · @unearth
1380 followers · 366 posts · Server

'At the start of the interview he offered her a cafe, which she drank, and then invited her for a walk outside in the Tuileries Garden' near the ministry headquarters, the court said in its ruling.

'Rapidly feeling pain and a strong need to urinate,' the woman was forced to go to the bathroom in front of D.B. under a bridge, and was later hospitalised with a urinary tract infection, the court said.

An investigation found that D.B. had similarly preyed on dozens of women over a period of several years, keeping on his computer a list of his victims and often photos of them urinating, though the ministry said it had not been aware of his druggings.

But the plaintiff accused the ministry of being partly to blame, due to 'poor organisation of the culture ministry's services and the absence of any process for protecting the victims and hearing their claims.'

#sexualassult #sa #piss #misogyny #women #spiked #drink

Last updated 2 years ago

Ihthisham · @unearth
978 followers · 147 posts · Server

A Google executive claims he was booted by the Google for rejecting a high-ranking female boss’ grabby advances at a posh company dinner.

Ryan Olohan, 48, accuses Google and one of its top executives, Tiffany Miller, of firing him after Miller groped him at a Chelsea restaurant in December 2019 and told him she knew he liked Asian women — which Miller is, according to a blockbuster federal lawsuit filed Nov. 30 in Manhattan.

Miller, director of Google’s programmatic media, rubbed Olohan’s abs, complimented his physique, and told him her marriage lacked “spice,” according to court papers, the New York Post reported.

#Google #sexualassult

Last updated 2 years ago

Skaly (They/Them) · @skaly
601 followers · 82 posts · Server

Why do long stares on my chest from men in public spaces feel like an attack?


Last updated 2 years ago