New #pterosaur species from #Solnhofen described by Dave Hone and coworkers. Got a big crest so more palaeo #SexualSelection going on. Figure 12 is especially splendid.
https://palaeo-electronica. org/content/current-in-press-articles/3878-a-new-solnhofen-pterosaur
#pterosaur #solnhofen #sexualselection
My collaboration with Jay Jinsing Falk on MJ West-Eberhard's concept on #Cross-SexualTransfer is now in a more readable print version. It was great experience being part of an amazing symposium at #SICB2023 on Sex & Diversity. If you are interested in #SexDiversity #SexualSelection and #Evolution please give this a read. Can't wait for the finalized issue!
#cross #sicb2023 #sexdiversity #sexualselection #Evolution
Today, after years of work, the American Naturalist has just accepted my proposed Ancestral Modulation Hypothesis in #SexDiversity, #SexualSelection, and #CrossSexualTransfer as a perspective and synthesis. This framework will guide my research can be used across a range of studies on sex-bias and regulation and explain the diversity we see. It was built with the help and guidance of my post-doctoral mentor and coauthor Suzy Renn.
#sexdiversity #sexualselection #crosssexualtransfer
What are the implications of interactions between #predator-prey dynamics & #SexualSelection? @LerchEcoEvo & @servedio1 use population & quant genetic models reveal that #predation can drive eco-evolutionary cycles in sexually selected traits #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #predation #sexualselection #predator
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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
#Sexualselection: Why do females prefer ornate male signals?
What are the implications of interactions between #predator-prey dynamics & #SexualSelection? @LerchEcoEvo & @servedio1 use population & quant genetic models reveal that #predation can drive eco-evolutionary cycles in sexually selected traits #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #predation #sexualselection #predator
What are the implications of interactions between #predator-prey dynamics & #SexualSelection? @LerchEcoEvo & @servedio1 use population & quant genetic models reveal that #predation can drive eco-evolutionary cycles in sexually selected traits #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #predation #sexualselection #predator
#FeministScience continues to change our knowledge of #sexualselection
"Darwin’s descriptions of females were gender-biased, but bias in current sexual selection research is less recognized. The history of sexual selection research shows that research starts with male-centered investigations or explanations [but] the incidence of female precedence is low. This history provides an illustrative example by which we can learn 2 recognize biases & identify gaps in knowledge."
#FeministScience #sexualselection
RT @StuartWigby
⭐️ PhD position available for Oct 2023 ⭐️
'Mating strategies in changing environments' #sexualselection #evolution #drosophila 🪰
@ACCE_DTP funded @LivUni with me, @liamrdougherty @HemmingsNicola1 @TomARPrice
(🪰 sperm video by @BRHopkins92 🙏)
#sexualselection #evolution #Drosophila
Tomorrow I will talk about Bateman gradient in Evolutionary Genetics course.. and it’s just so perfect timing that Tim’s article is out!! @tim_janicke @LMarieOrleach @lennarthamburg
Tomorrow I will talk about Bateman gradient in Evolutionary Genetics course.. and it’s just so perfect timing that Tim’s article is out!! @tim_janicke
Tomorrow I will talk about Bateman gradient in Evolutionary Genetics course.. and it’s just so perfect timing that Tim’s article is out!!
So, why do some mammals have bacula? For males, the purpose seems to be mechanical support. The evolutionary significance of the baubellum is unclear, and it is little studied. Some of you will recognize the similarity of this question to another in female evolutionary sexology, and I am not daring to venture there . . . #evolutionarybiology #sexualselection
#EvolutionaryBiology #sexualselection
Perceptive Kokko + Jennions commentary on Fromonteil et al on #SexualSelection in ♀️. I work with animals where ♀️mate multiply but produce 1 young. Glad to see paper points out #BatemanGradient SHOULD be measured from matings but in the wild it is often measured from paternity assignments. Other obvious problem: probability to detect #MultiplePaternity increases with litter size, so inevitably multiple paternity correlates with♀️reproductive success
#sexualselection #batemangradient #multiplepaternity
A #MetaAnalysis across 77 animal species suggests that #SexualSelection is widespread in females, playing a key role in the #evolution of mating systems @S_Fromonteil @L_MarieOrleach @lennarthamburg @TimJanicke #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #evolution #sexualselection #metaanalysis
Do females benefit from multiple mating?
In a new paper, we collated data across 77 animal species, and found out that females that mate more, typically produce more offspring – and this effect is stronger in the more polyandrous species.
This clearly suggests that #SexualSelection is widespread in females, and plays a role in the evolution of #MatingSystems.
#sexualselection #matingsystems
Sexual selection: “eager” males & “coy” females... or more nuanced? A #MetaAnalysis across 77 animal species suggests that #SexualSelection is widespread in females, playing a key role in the #evolution of mating systems @TimJanicke &co #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #evolution #sexualselection #metaanalysis
Sexual selection: “eager” males & “coy” females... or more nuanced? A #MetaAnalysis across 77 animal species suggests that #SexualSelection is widespread in females, playing a key role in the #evolution of mating systems @TimJanicke &co #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #evolution #sexualselection #metaanalysis
"In light of this development, there has clearly been a paradigm shift away from the sexual stereotypes dominating the early era of sexual selection research towards a more nuanced viewpoint acknowledging that females can be subject to sexual selection too. This progress was substantially fostered by the rise of molecular paternity analyses in the early 1990s revealing that females of many putatively monogamous species are actually polyandrous [25]—also called the “polyandry revolution” [26], which spurred the quest for understanding the adaptive significance of multiple mating from a female perspective."
#evolution #evolutionarybiology #sexualselection
New #MetaAnalysis out in suggesting that #SexualSelection in females might be more widespread than often assumed – even in species with “conventional” sex roles!
#metaanalysis #sexualselection