You've one more day to write a protest letter against the Sex Work Regulation act! Example letters in English et Español:
"Right now, the legislative proposal Sex Work Regulation act is in consultation. That means the Dutch government is asking the people what they think of this law. So for sex workers and allies, this is the time to speak out against these laws. ... the WRS is terrible. It means that many sex workers in the Netherlands will be criminalised and it will become almost impossible for us to work safely or go to the police when [we] experience violence. ... "
#sexworkersright #sexworkiswork #WRSNEE #decriminalize
"I do, in fact, think that I deserve a cookie for not immediately laying into every “leftist” committed to doing thought experiments about the existence and rights of sex workers and their place in a “post-revolution” world. It’s exhausting to constantly defend your agency, autonomy, and expertise on your own needs to people that profess to be on your side as comrades in the classed hell that is capitalism."
#SexWorkersRight #SexWorkIsWork #paternalism #BodilyAutonomy
#sexworkersright #sexworkiswork #paternalism #bodilyautonomy
Right now, the legislative proposal Sex Work Regulation act is in consultation. That means the Dutch government is asking the people what they think of this law. So for sex workers and allies, this is the time to speak out against these laws.
We've talked about it; the WRS is terrible. It means that many sex workers in the Netherlands will be criminalised and it will become almost impossible for us to work safely or go to the police when they experience violence. ... "
Example letters in English et Español: You can send your letter, also anonymous, until March 17 via the link on this page.
#sexworkersright #sexworkiswork #WRSNEE
For one consultation today's your last chance to write the Dutch government.
"Right now, there are two anti-sex worker rights' legislative proposals in consultation. That means the government is asking the people what they think of these laws. So for sex workers and allies, this is the time to speak out against these laws. How?
Below are four sample letters. The letters contain arguments that the various sex work organisations at the SWAD consider most important."
#DecrimNow #SexWorkersRight #SexWorklsWork #privacy #PrivacyConcerns
#decrimnow #sexworkersright #SexWorklsWork #privacy #privacyconcerns
"Right now, there are two anti-sex worker rights' legislative proposals in consultation [in the Netherlands]. That means the government is asking the people what they think of these laws. So for sex workers and allies, this is the time to speak out against these laws. How?
Below are four sample letters."
One consultation ends on February 27th.
#sexworkersright #sexworkiswork #protectsexworkers
"Op dit moment zijn er [in Nederland] twee anti-sekswerkerrechten wetsvoorstellen in consultatie. Dat betekent dat de overheid aan de bevolking vraagt wat ze van die wet vinden. Voor sekswerkers en allies is dit dus het moment om je uit te spreken tegen deze wetsvoorstellen. Hoe?
Hieronder vind je vier voorbeeldbrieven."
Een consultatie eindigt 27 februari a.s.
#Sekswerk #sekswerkiswerk #sexworkersright
Hier vindt je reacties op de vorige poging van de overheid om onder de smoes van "bescherming" onrechtmatig gegevens van sekswerkers op te slaan, onvergund werk (want gemeentes geven haast geen vergunningen meer af) zeer zwaar te beboeten, en nog meer laag bij de grondse trucjes om het werk en leven van sekswerkers gevaarlijker te maken:
"Op dit moment zijn er twee anti-sekswerkerrechten wetsvoorstellen in consultatie. Dat betekent dat de overheid aan de bevolking vraagt wat ze van die wet vinden. Voor sekswerkers en allies is dit dus het moment om je uit te spreken tegen deze wetsvoorstellen.
Hieronder vind je twee voorbeeldbrieven."
#SexWorkAdvocacy #sexworkiswork #sexworkersright
"Op dit moment zijn er twee anti-sekswerkerrechten wetsvoorstellen in conslutatie. Dat betekent dat de overheid aan de bevolking vraagt wat ze van die wet vinden. Voor sekswerkers en allies is dit dus het moment om je uit te spreken tegen deze wetsvoorstellen.
Hieronder vind je twee voorbeeldbrieven."
#SexWorkAdvocacy #sexworkiswork #sexworkersright