#sexworkers took refuge in #cryptocurrency and now it’s failing them
#sexworkers #cryptocurrency #sexworkersrights #financialinclusion #Debanking #kyc
Sex work is often the most accessible job for disabled people, and transgender people. As disabilities are more common in groups oppressed under white supremacy (BIPOC, women, and 2SLGBTQIA+) supporting disability advocates, and sex workers rights is part of anti-racism work, and 2SLGBTQIA+ allyship. We're all connected, and we all benefit from better policies that respect autonomy, and improve workers rights.
#sexworkersrights #SexWorkisWork #2SLGBTQIA #antiracism #DisabledRights #allyship
#sexworkersrights #sexworkiswork #2SLGBTQIA #antiracism #disabledrights #allyship
The Tyee: Sex Workers on Making Their Lives Better (in News) https://thetyee.ca/News/2023/05/04/Sex-Workers-Making-Lives-Better/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #NationalInquiryintoMissingandMurderedIndigenousWomenandGirls #CityofVancouver’sEmergencyCommunitySupportFund #VancouverPoliceDepartment #WISHDrop-inCentreSociety #Canadasexworkerrights #BCDisabilitysupport #BCtoxicdrugcrisis #sexworkersrights #SylviaMachatUBC #DTESsexworkers #PEERSVictoria #BCsexworkers #PACESociety
#BCNews #TheTyee #nationalinquiryintomissingandmurderedindigenouswomenandgirls #CityofVancouver #VancouverPoliceDepartment #wishdrop #canadasexworkerrights #bcdisabilitysupport #BCtoxicdrugcrisis #sexworkersrights #sylviamachatubc #dtessexworkers #peersvictoria #bcsexworkers #pacesociety
"Right now, there are two anti-sex worker rights' legislative proposals in consultation [in the Netherlands]. That means the government is asking the people what they think of these laws. So for sex workers and allies, this is the time to speak out against these laws.
Below are two sample letters."
#SexWorkAdvocacy #sexworkiswork #sexworkersrights
The constant stigma, 'othering' and treating sex workers as if they are not human is what creates the social climate where behavior this egregiously lacking in compassion is acceptable. Sex workers are people, too.
#SexWorkIsWork #DecriminalizeSexWork #SexWorkersRights https://upriseri.com/sex-workers-zoom-bombed-at-december-17th-international-day-to-end-violence-against-sex-workers-vigil/
#sexworkiswork #decriminalizesexwork #sexworkersrights
I´m a #sexwoker from germany, into #sexwork for more then 20 years.
I do #fetishclip and work as a #dominatrix
I`m a member of the BESD, europeans greatest #Sexworker Organisation based in Germany. Together we fight for #SexworkersRights and against the nordic Model.
feel free to follow me, when you are #Sexworkerfriendly
#introduction #sexwoker #sexwork #fetishclip #dominatrix #sexworker #sexworkersrights #sexworkerfriendly
I´m a #sexwoker from germany, into #sexwork for more then 20 years.
I do #fetishclip and work as a #dominatrix
I`m a member of the BESD, europeans greatest #Sexworker Organisation based in Germany. Together we fight for #SexworkersRights and against the nordic Model.
feel free to follow me, when you are #Sexworkerfriendly
#introduction #sexwoker #sexwork #fetishclip #dominatrix #sexworker #sexworkersrights #sexworkerfriendly
I´m a #sexwoker from germany, into #sexwork for more then 20 years.
I do #fetishclip and work as a #dominatrix
I`m a member of the BESD, europeans greatest #Sexworker Organisation based in Germany. Together we fight for #SexworkersRights and against the nordic Model.
feel free to follow me, when you are #Sexworkerfriendly
#sexworkerfriendly #introduction #sexwoker #sexwork #fetishclip #dominatrix #sexworker #sexworkersrights
hello, I´m a Sexworker fot at least over 20 years. I work as a Dominatrix and do fetish Clips. Based in germany and fight for #SexworkersRights
Feel free to follow me.
Sex workers union launches appeal to fund legal fight against strip club bans
United Sex Workers (USW) is trying to raise £20,000 to fund a judicial review of Edinburgh City Council’s strip club ban. A successful judicial review could mean an end to strip club bans across England, Scotland & Wales and give strippers a chance t
#sexworkers #SexWorkersRights #TradeUnions #Uk
#sexworkers #sexworkersrights #Tradeunions #uk
RT @MdM_France@twitter.com
- #ConfPresse 🔴5 ans de la #LoiProstitution -
Ce matin, nos organisations dressent le bilan de la loi "de lutte contre le système prostitutionnel”.
Une loi qui a précarisé et affaibli un public déjà stigmatisé.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MdM_France/status/1381519105971388416
#confpresse #loiprostitution #sexworkersrights