When you see stolen content from a creator you recognize, I recommend simply leaving a link to their social media so the stolen content becomes free advertising for your fave. #sexworkisrealwork #ethicalfilth
#sexworkisrealwork #ethicalfilth
This account has three purposes:
1. Retooting hot gay content for folks to enjoy and get off to.
2. Providing an alternative to Mastodon accounts that steal and repost porn without credit or even name. #Sexworkisrealwork, but some people treat sex workers like digital files instead of people.
3. To boost sex workers looking to make a home on Mastodon. If you fit any of the requirements below, DM me and I'll follow and retoot you. (see comments)
Please share, help us find that audience!
Hey folks, here's my #Introduction for this account! I'm Harlan Paramore, I have my own personal account at @hparamore - I made this account to give a little boost to my fellow creators, many of whom are new to Mastadon.
I've seen accounts reposting content found elsewhere, with no credit or even mention of who the content was stolen from. Doesn't feel very Mastodon, to be honest. Let's do things differently here. #sexworkisrealwork
#introduction #sexworkisrealwork
Here's a tag post to add to my intro: #vegetarian #bisexual #LGBTQIA+ #fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #anxiety #depression #cats #CatMom #foxes #SciFi #fantasy #RockCollecting #rocks #KCChiefs #USA #missouri #MCU #marvel #squishmallows #LocalBeer #ShopLocal #CraftFairs #RenFaires #BusRiding #walking #TransLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #SexPositive #SexWorkIsRealWork
#vegetarian #bisexual #lgbtqia #fibromyalgia #chronicpain #anxiety #depression #cats #catmom #foxes #scifi #fantasy #rockcollecting #rocks #kcchiefs #usa #missouri #mcu #marvel #squishmallows #localbeer #shoplocal #craftfairs #renfaires #busriding #walking #translivesmatter #blacklivesmatter #sexpositive #sexworkisrealwork
For #InternationalSexWorkersRightsDay I’m reading “Revolting Prostitutes: The Fight For Sex Workers’ Rights” by Juno Mac and Molly Smith. #sexworkisrealwork
#sexworkisrealwork #internationalsexworkersrightsday
About fucking time. Edinburgh city council have been complete dicks.
Past preshow #burlesque #photoshoot with #performer friend, #SexPositive #advocate , #feminist #activist & #PEERSVictoria board member - #GingerKittens . I always had fun shooting with her.
#BlackAndWhite #portrait #pinup #SexWorkIsRealWork #SexWorkerRights #BeaconHillPark #VictoriaBC #yyj #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #CheesecakeBurlesqueRevue #SexySunday #Showstopper #FemmeFatale #fencenet
#burlesque #photoshoot #performer #sexpositive #advocate #feminist #activist #peersvictoria #gingerkittens #blackandwhite #portrait #pinup #sexworkisrealwork #sexworkerrights #beaconhillpark #victoriabc #yyj #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #cheesecakeburlesquerevue #sexysunday #showstopper #femmefatale #fencenet
At Christmas, I found out a member of my family has an OnlyFans. Not only was I flattered she trusted me enough to tell me but I’m also happy to have had the opportunity to react with pure support, zero judgment and pride that she has found something finds empowering. #SexWorkIsRealWork
Are you a sex worker? Pervert? Or just someone who likes to watch? 😏 Then you're exactly who we've been searching for!
#sexworkisrealwork #sexualhumor #kinkcommunity #sexworkers #heybb #fondaisferal #dangerdarling
#dangerdarling #fondaisferal #heybb #sexworkers #kinkcommunity #sexualhumor #sexworkisrealwork
Make a donation to CAHR and get this badass T-shirt. #SexWorkIsRealWork #HarmReductionForSubstanceAbuse
#sexworkisrealwork #harmreductionforsubstanceabuse
I never actually did an #Introduction for the #TwitterMigration so I'll say a bit about me and #HashtagMyHeartOut.
I'm Izzy, I like they/them pronouns best but any will do. I am #NonBinary and #Bisexual although I do like to just say I'm #Queer because it just feels right. I'm looking for more mutuals and good accounts to follow. Let's overshare a bit!
I'm a #Millenial in #ColoradoSprings #Colorado and recovering from a bad #Fracture and generally having a lot of health problems. I have #LowBoneDensity #Arthritis #ChronicPain #IBS (maybe #IBD). I can't promise not to #shitpost about #diarrhea. I'd #LiveToot my #Colonoscopy but I will be thankfully unconscious. I also deal with #Psychosis #Depression #Insomnia #AnxietyDisorder #PanicAttack #ADHD but mostly do okay because I am #Medicated with #Prescriptions as well as #Dank #Cannabis that I grow in my #Garden.
I will probably frequently post about #COPolitics and #USPolitics from my #Leftist perspective. I support the rights of Queer and BIPOC Americans to arm themselves. A few more hashtags: #LGBTQIA2S #QueersBashBack #MutualAid #HousingIsAHumanRight #ProAbortion #AbortionRights #BodilyAutonomy #AntiFascist #BlackLivesMatter #AntiRacist #TransRights #HumanRights #ACAB #DecriminalizeSexWork #SexWorkIsRealWork #WorkersRights #Unions #copol #Disability #ChronicIllness #Accessibility #Decriminalization #PrisonAbolition #CriminalJusticeReform #CovidIsntOver
I feel like I forgot a bunch of stuff and I have a ton of interests and hobbies but that's a shitton of hashtags to start with.
#Introduction #twittermigration #hashtagmyheartout #nonbinary #bisexual #queer #millenial #coloradosprings #colorado #fracture #lowbonedensity #Arthritis #chronicpain #ibs #IBD #shitpost #diarrhea #LiveToot #colonoscopy #psychosis #depression #insomnia #anxietydisorder #panicattack #adhd #medicated #prescriptions #dank #cannabis #garden #copolitics #uspolitics #leftist #lgbtqia2s #queersbashback #MutualAid #housingisahumanright #proabortion #abortionrights #BodilyAutonomy #antifascist #blacklivesmatter #AntiRacist #transrights #humanrights #acab #decriminalizesexwork #sexworkisrealwork #workersrights #Unions #COpol #disability #chronicillness #accessibility #decriminalization #prisonabolition #criminaljusticereform #CovidIsntOver
@AnthonyJK might be worth whacking some # on there.
I can boost it but that won't have the reach.
#sexWork #sexWorker #sexWorkers #sexWorkersSafe #sexWorking #sexWorkIsWork #sexWorkIsRealWork #sexPerformers #sexPositive #sexPositiveLeft #proSexWork #proSexSocialism
Might be worth whacking on your safety and moderation policies as documentation as well.
#sexwork #sexworker #sexworkers #sexworkerssafe #sexworking #sexworkiswork #sexworkisrealwork #sexperformers #sexpositive #sexpositiveleft #prosexwork #prosexsocialism
Hey friends!! I love a fresh clean start of a new social account, but I have so much that you haven't seen!!! I'll be dropping content at a higher than normal rate as I share some older content. Please let me know what you would like to see!!! #lewds #porn #sexwork #sexworkisrealwork
#lewds #porn #sexwork #sexworkisrealwork
#transrightsarehumanrights #trans #ttrpg #battletech #LBGTQIA #translesbian #transbian #ropebunny #kinky #startrek #theexpanse #history #leftism #anarchism #ancom #gock #rollerderby #politics #fuckeduplookingfood #militaryhardware #sexworkisrealwork #blacklivesmatter #translivesmatter #intersectionality #feminism #impactplay #bruises #polyamory
Currently watching new users #Toot their first Toot and engaging instantly to startle them. Hi new friends and welcome! #Follow #FollowBack #FollowBackFriday #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia #pansexual #poly #polyamory #polyamorus #autism #vote #leftist #autistic #enm #asd #squizzmallow #shirtlesspolitics #neurodivergent #NeuroSpicy #sexworker #SexWorkIsRealWork
#toot #follow #followback #FollowBackFriday #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia #pansexual #poly #polyamory #polyamorus #autism #Vote #leftist #autistic #ENM #asd #squizzmallow #shirtlesspolitics #neurodivergent #neurospicy #sexworker #sexworkisrealwork
RT @v_veidt
I was talking about my film yesterday and someone asked me why I care about sex workers so much. I thought I’d take the time to explain why I care about sex workers and you should, too. #SexWorkIsRealWork 1/
RT @KQuinzell@twitter.com
Happy International Sex Worker day to all my friends - We are hard working people with valid careers, Love to you all ❤
#internationalsexworkerday #intlsexworkerday #sexworkisrealwork #sexworkersunite
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KQuinzell/status/1400153727827316742
#sexworkersunite #sexworkisrealwork #intlsexworkerday #internationalsexworkerday
Happy International Sex Worker day to all my friends - We are hard working people with valid careers, Love to you all ❤
#internationalsexworkerday #intlsexworkerday #sexworkisrealwork #sexworkersunite
#sexworkersunite #sexworkisrealwork #intlsexworkerday #internationalsexworkerday