Flightradar bestätigt Seymour Hersh! #compacttv #seymourhersh https://journalistenwatch.com/2023/08/17/flightradar-bestaetigt-seymour-hersh-compacttv-seymourhersh/
But that's not cause for surrender - it's a call to action. In an interview with #SeymourHersh, #ThomasFrank (*Listen, Liberal*) sets out another locus of power, one with the potential to deliver control over the party to its base: #SocialMovements:
#seymourhersh #thomasfrank #socialmovements
Der Spiegel sucht nach einem Sündenbock zur Ablenkung von den USA https://www.anti-spiegel.ru/2023/der-spiegel-sucht-nach-einem-suendenbock-zur-ablenkung-von-den-usa/ #DenSpiegelvorgehalten #Staatsterrorismus #SeymourHersh #NordStream2 #Propaganda #Spiegel #Ukraine #USA
#usa #ukraine #spiegel #propaganda #nordstream2 #seymourhersh #staatsterrorismus #denspiegelvorgehalten
MedienberichteZwei Ukrainer sollen in Nord-Stream-Sprengung verwickelt sein https://jungefreiheit.de/politik/ausland/2023/ukrainer-nord-stream-sprengung/ #Ukraine-Krieg #SeymourHersh #NordStream #Ausland #Rußland #Ukraine
#rußland #ausland #nordstream #seymourhersh #ukraine
Tacheles #109 ist online https://www.anti-spiegel.ru/2023/tacheles-109-ist-online/ #Hintergrundanalysen #AlleBeiträge #RobertHabeck #SeymourHersh #Klimawandel #Geopolitik #Wettrüsten #Wirtschaft #Moldawien #Südafrika #Facebook #Russland #Tacheles #Kosovo #Zensur #Biden #China #IStGH #LGBTQ #Putin #F-35 #EU
#eu #f #putin #lgbtq #istgh #china #biden #zensur #kosovo #tacheles #russland #facebook #sudafrika #moldawien #wirtschaft #wettrusten #geopolitik #klimawandel #seymourhersh #roberthabeck #allebeitrage #hintergrundanalysen
Fotos vom dänischen MilitärRussisches Boot umschiffte Nord Stream wenige Tage vor Explosion https://jungefreiheit.de/politik/ausland/2023/nord-stream-alexander/ #SeymourHersh #NordStream #Ausland #Rußland #Ukraine
#ukraine #rußland #ausland #nordstream #seymourhersh
#Facebook censors journalist #SeymourHersh's report on #NORDSTREAM pipeline attack
Facebook censored a report by #PulitzerPrize-winning journalist Seymour #Hersh on the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines between #Russia and #Germany, forcing users to instead read a website funded and partially owned by #NATO member #Norway.
#facebook #seymourhersh #nordstream #pulitzerprize #hersh #russia #germany #nato #norway
Facebook markiert Hersh-Recherche über Nord-Stream-Sprengung als „Falschmeldung“ https://www.anti-spiegel.ru/2023/facebook-markiert-hersh-recherche-ueber-nord-stream-sprengung-als-falschmeldung/ #Hintergrundanalysen #Faktenchecker #AlleBeiträge #SeymourHersh #NordStream2 #Korruption #Propaganda #Facebook #Norwegen #USA
#usa #norwegen #facebook #propaganda #korruption #nordstream2 #seymourhersh #allebeitrage #faktenchecker #hintergrundanalysen
Yesterday I was FALSELY #Facebook "#FactCheck-ed" and moved 'lower on the news feed' for publishing #SeymourHersh's expose' re $400 Million redirected by the #Ukraine govt from fuel for the army to #Zelensky's team, who used it to 'buy Mercedes and drive 'em around #Kiev' along with other luxury items.... offshore 'banks' fershure.
#StopFake, the "factchecker", is a Ukraine operation protected by the #NSA's bffs #Cloudflare, attempting to suppress facts about the level of corruption involved
#facebook #factcheck #seymourhersh #ukraine #zelensky #StopFake #kiev #nsa #cloudflare
RT @SMaurizi
1. the fact that #Ukraine risks running out of missiles and munitions very soon was spelled out 2 months before the #PentagonLeaks by #SeymourHersh in this interview with us. He was attacked and treated as an idiot. He is NOT [ARCHIVE, English]: https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/in-edicola/articoli/2023/02/20/seymour-hersh-american-journalism-is-having-a-very-rough-time-right-now-2/7070813/
#ukraine #pentagonleaks #seymourhersh
#Ucraina, gli affari di #Zelensky
nella nuova esclusiva di #SeymourHersh
di Michele Paris
#ucraina #zelensky #seymourhersh
RT @Antiwarcom
Seymour Hersh: The CIA Knows Ukrainian Officials Are Skimming US Aid
Hersh says the CIA estimates at least $400 million was embezzled last year in funds earmarked for diesel payments
by Dave DeCamp
@DecampDave #CIA #Ukraine #Russia #SeymourHersh #NATO
#cia #ukraine #russia #seymourhersh #nato
Zelensky and team stole at least $400 million of Western aid – #SeymourHersh
Corruption in #Ukraine may be on par with what was seen in Afghanistan, the investigative journalist claimed
#Ukraine's #Zelensky is a dead man walking. He and his 'team' embezzled Mafia money... AKA #NATO government funds
#SeymourHersh claims Zelensky and his team stole $400 million from the US and EU provided financial aid.
“The ten he got rid of were brazenly bragging about the money they had—driving around Kyiv in their new Mercedes,” https://eurasiantimes.com/ukraine-war-zelensky-embezzled-400-million-allocated-by-the-us-for-purchasing-fuel-seymour-hersh/?
#ukraine #zelensky #nato #seymourhersh
Neuer Hersh-Artikel: Korruption in Kiew und Konzeptlosigkeit in den USA https://www.anti-spiegel.ru/2023/neuer-hersh-artikel-korruption-in-kiew-und-konzeptlosigkeit-in-den-usa/ #AlleBeiträge #Geheimdienst #SeymourHersh #Korruption #Ukraine #Biden #USA
#usa #biden #ukraine #korruption #seymourhersh #geheimdienst #allebeitrage
Seymour Hersh antwortet auf den Artikel der Washington Post https://www.anti-spiegel.ru/2023/seymour-hersh-antwortet-auf-den-artikel-der-washington-post/ #DenSpiegelvorgehalten #Staatsterrorismus #AlleBeiträge #Geheimdienst #SeymourHersh #NordStream2 #Propaganda #CIA #USA
#usa #cia #propaganda #nordstream2 #seymourhersh #geheimdienst #allebeitrage #staatsterrorismus #denspiegelvorgehalten
Interview mit Seymour Hersh über Nord Stream mit deutschen Untertiteln https://www.anti-spiegel.ru/2023/interview-mit-seymour-hersh-ueber-nord-stream-mit-deutschen-untertiteln/ #Hintergrundanalysen #Staatsterrorismus #Bundesregierung #AlleBeiträge #SeymourHersh #Deutschland #NordStream2 #OlafScholz #Erdgas #BND #CIA #USA
#usa #cia #bnd #erdgas #olafscholz #nordstream2 #deutschland #seymourhersh #allebeitrage #bundesregierung #staatsterrorismus #hintergrundanalysen
Tacheles #106 ist ab Freitag 20.00 Uhr online https://www.anti-spiegel.ru/2023/tacheles-106-ist-ab-freitag-20-00-uhr-online/ #Hintergrundanalysen #Staatsterrorismus #Waffenlieferungen #Saudi-Arabien #AlleBeiträge #SeymourHersh #Uranmunition #NordStream2 #Australien #Geopolitik #Korruption #Biowaffen #Covid-19 #Georgien #Getreide #Selensky #Tacheles #Donbass #Lagarde #Ukraine #Donezk #Hunger #BRICS #IStGH #Krieg #Iran #IWF #UNO
#uno #iwf #iran #krieg #istgh #brics #hunger #donezk #ukraine #lagarde #donbass #tacheles #selensky #getreide #georgien #covid #biowaffen #korruption #geopolitik #australien #nordstream2 #uranmunition #seymourhersh #allebeitrage #saudi #waffenlieferungen #staatsterrorismus #hintergrundanalysen
Wer die Lügen von #SeymourHersh glaubt,
ist bestimmt auch bei Querdeppen-Demos mitgelaufen.