The purrfect souvenir from tonight’s event with V Vale at Adobe Books in #SF 📘😻
Ravi de cette nouvelle! Jusqu'à fin Septembre, mes titres sont en promo numérique à 2.99€/u aux #editionsdu38. L'occasion de me découvrir en tant qu'auteur ou de soutenir une vaillante petite maison d'édition à l'heure où de plus grandes chancellent ou tombent.
À noter que la suite des "Aventures occultes de Lady Bradsley" sort le 22, précipitez-vous sur le 1er tome si #fantastique et #occulte vous plaisent!
#mastolivre #promo #sf #fantastique
#editionsdu38 #fantastique #occulte #mastolivre #promo #sf
"Terrace Story" von Hilary Leichter ist ein verdammt guter, phantastischer Episodenroman mit Hang zur #SF
Hier, 10 septembre marquait le 30ème anniversaire de la diffusion du tout premier épisode d'une série qui allait changer beaucoup de choses dans le monde de la pop culture télévisuelle, X-FILES. La très rationnelle Dana Scully entrait dans le bureau de l'illuminé Fox Mulder et le destin de ces personnages et des acteurs qui les interprétaient en serait bouleversé à jamais.
#xfiles #serietv #tvshow #90s #SF
#xfiles #serietv #tvshow #90s #sf
I use the words "partner" and "wife" a bit interchangeably these days depending on how much I care whether someone more or less thinks I'm their #type ...I certainly don't use it if it insinuates diminution. I'm in the leather district and I am quite big and #hairy
#type #hairy #soma #sf #cisproblems
I gotta admit, I like the farmer's market even better than before. It definitely helps with the synergy of the whole area ...I love the occasions that #democracy figures out what I want better than me
#democracy #heartofthecity #sf #sanfrancisco
Max discovers the one constant in the multiverse is stupidity.
Now available wherever you buy books, including ebooks:
#book #books #humor #humour #SF #sciencefiction #SFF #comedy #darkComedy
#darkcomedy #comedy #sff #sciencefiction #sf #humour #humor #books #book
@GGMcBG omg, you just gave me a great idea for a science fiction short story. Too bad I don't actually write! (have thought about it, but yeah... probably not...)
So: Allen M. Steele, threat or menace?
Lots of his work is libertarian jackoff fantasies but I've never run into such a vicious misogynist caricature of the evil slut before "Angel of Europa".
Leaving the sexism aside, the plot requires the evil mastermind to a) monolog and b) be very stupid at a crucial moment.
What a fabulous, quick read. I loved everything about this, the world-building, the characters, the dialogue...all-around perfect novella. Highly recommended,
#scifi #sf #bookstodon #reading #thestorygraph
Boosting/resharing appreciated.
Wanna go to #NOFX's Final Tour at the Cow Palace in #SanFrancisco on September 16th 2023? Read on.
Since there's a 9 month delay to get interviewed for a US Visa, my friend won't be able to make it to the show, so she's selling her ticket at the same price she bought it for: $ 94.14 USD. Get in touch if you're interested.
#ska #Music #california #ca #sf #sfba #rock #Punk #sanfrancisco #nofx