Good Videogame Music · @goodvgm
22 followers · 194 posts · Server
· @lulolwen
33 followers · 84 posts · Server

No-op'ing the "recollision" logic results in unintentional comedy. Infinites for everyone!

(Audio warning: I suggest having audio on for full effect, but it's loud and obnoxious.)

#streetfighter #streetfighter4 #ultrastreetfighter4 #sf4 #USF4 #sf4e

Last updated 2 years ago

· @lulolwen
20 followers · 36 posts · Server

The code for this is handgun-fetchingly haunted, but it works.

I do want to point out that this probably doesn't do everything you think it does: this doesn't include setting UC, edition, color or any customization features; this doesn't include synchronizing round start state; and this doesn't include sending inputs.

I'm going to make this _less_ haunted before pushing it to the main branch on Gitlab, but I might push a secondary branch.

#streetfighter #streetfighter4 #sf4 #USF4 #sf4e

Last updated 2 years ago

xriss · @xriss
198 followers · 3981 posts · Server


Dieses Gutachten zu den @fff Standpunkten, die ihren Niederschlag in einem Papier der () gefunden haben (ja, das Papier zeigt, dass die Kausalkette in genau diese Richtung läuft) der bezüglich zeigt, dass es mal wieder nicht so einfach ist.

#sf4 #scientistforfututure #kernenergie

Last updated 3 years ago

Phinci · @Phinci
2899 followers · 343 posts · Server