It's amazing, no matter how good the connexion is, so long as i go online, my 100% success combo rate offline in any game instantly turns down into 0% success rate.
It's getting increasingly frustrating, especially in #SF6 when you can 3 hit kill anybody with the right punish, you get 3 hit kill instead for no good reason.
I entered a company-wide #SF6 tournament set to happen in 10 days, over 2 days. Qualifications and Finals. 64 players.
It’s going to be live streamed on YouTube and Twitch.
Gotta get these training hours in!
C’est un bail comment tout le monde prends Ken en ce moment. Je vais en profiter : je vais l’étudier en détails pour me donner le plus de chances possible contre lui. #SF6
Valmaster (#ChunLi) double perfects Angrybird (Ken, #EVO2023 winner), and all Big Bird has to say is “Meh double P in this game is not impressive anymore, I got double Pd a lot”. Come on! Give the man the respect he deserves. #SF6 #FGC
Let's pretend this drop was intentional, and that my brilliant setup baited out his desperation reversal twice.
#sf6 #streetfighter6 #streetfighter #fgc
This part in the video was also very interesting: the Playing/Not Playing Street Fighter 6 Characters grouping, showing which characters have the tools and techniques that work well against #SF6's battle system.
It's incredible how #Ryu has a near zero representation in #SF6 tournaments - Great breakdown by Brian_F: #FGC
#TrueStory: I maintain a #SF6 battle journal. Every time I play I look back at my successes and struggles, write them down: what worked well and what didn’t.
This gives me actual actionable points to work on, so I know where to put my focus on, what to correct, what to practice etc. Doing this gives me a clear path to follow towards success.
Not looking back is like being blind moving forward. If you’re not self-aware you will not get better at what you do. #FGC #StreetFighter6
#truestory #sf6 #fgc #streetfighter6
Getting good at #SF6 is like anything else in life:
- practice
- review your successes and failures
- learn from them and apply what you’ve learned
- repeat
But most importantly, be consistent. Anything you truly wanna do or achieve in life, you gotta be back at it each and every day and be ready to put in the work, little by little. #ThisIsTheWay
Got humbled by a friend in casual #SF6 matches, just the night I’m getting back into the game.
Last time we played, beginning of July, we were both average. He is now Platinum 3. I’m Platinum 1. Can’t be sleeping on it.
The in-between-legs crawling animation is super well done, but the choke itself is even more awesome: Notice how Chun-Li's left arm gets caught in the choke? That's textbook triangle choke stuff. You use your opponent's arm to tighten the triangle, making them choke on their own arm and your leg.
Watch how Chun-Li gradually passes-out, sinking to the ground, one knee at a time. The whole move is EPIC. #SF6 #FGC
Street Fighter 6 A.K.I. Reaction | Colorwind Reacts
#StreetFighter6 #SF6 #AKI #trailer #reaction #trailerreaction #ColorwindReacts
#streetfighter6 #sf6 #aki #trailer #reaction #trailerreaction #colorwindreacts
Depuis le temps après réflexion, ça aurait normal de voir apparaitre une ou deux vidéos dans mon algo YouTube ou ailleurs. Mais RIEN à propos du boss de #SF6. Je suis passé à travers tout les spoilers juste en ne m'y intéressant pas !
Je viens de réaliser un truc assez dingue ou en tout cas révélateur : j’ai #SF6 depuis la sortie, je crame le mode online et je mate beaucoup de contenu YouTube (replays de matchs, stratégies etc…); mais j’ai zéro idée du contenu du mode story et je sais même pas qui est le boss ! Et surtout j’en entends pas du tout parler !??
I am mildly stoked about taking some games off a Master Ryu in #SF6 Battle Hub, but it could obviously be a fluke, like someone else piloting the account or maybe they were experimenting with some nominally suboptimal stuff. Still, I feel good about being able to take/borrow/layaway even a fraction of the credit as part of this overall journey!
Also, I've signed up for an upcoming local tournament! I have the modest goal of taking ONE round—I think the other participants are much more seasoned.
Had an 8-win streak and got my Juri to Platinum 1 tonight! 💪🏾🙌🏾
#gaming #fgc #streetfighter #sf6 #sf6_juri
#SF6 diaries: For two games tonight, I was at 5⭐ Gold, but I lost both and got bounced back to 4⭐. Boo!
That moment aside, I've settled into being Gold, and haven't felt much ranked anxiety lately!
There's an elusive tidbit in this experience about identity. Something like: I wanted the system to validate me and my investment in getting better. But with a measure of acceptance of who I am as a player, the system's boundaries are distinct and distant, leaving more space for me and my enjoyment.