Lesser Goldfinch eating pollen from Pride of Madeira flowers (with hummingbird cameo).
#SFBABirds #Birds #EastBayBirds #BerkeleyBirds #LesserGoldfinch #Hummingbird #Birding
#sfbabirds #birds #eastbaybirds #berkeleybirds #lessergoldfinch #hummingbird #birding
The warblers keep coming!
Visitors today are a Chickadee, Townsend’s Warbler, and then something entirely new. It took me a while to ID because there are so many drab olive birds with a white eyering, but then it revealed itself while bathing: an Orange-crowned Warbler! Our first at the bath, and a lifelister for me.
(I guess it doesn’t count as a lifelister, though, if on cam, not in real time.)
#EastBayBirds #BackyardBirds #BirdBath #BirdCam #SFBABirds #Warblers #OrangeCrownedWarbler
#eastbaybirds #backyardbirds #birdbath #birdcam #sfbabirds #warblers #orangecrownedwarbler
Chickadee takes a dip. His buddy arrives, in comedic fashion (wait for it).
#Chickadee #ChestnutBackedChickadee #Titmouse #OakTitmouse #EastBayBirds #BirdCam #Birds #SFBABirds #BirdBath #BackyardBirds
#chickadee #chestnutbackedchickadee #titmouse #oaktitmouse #eastbaybirds #birdcam #birds #sfbabirds #birdbath #backyardbirds
Chickadee takes a dip. His buddy arrives, in comedic fashion (wait for it).
#Chickadee #ChestnutBackedChickadee #Titmouse #OakTitmouse #EastBayBirds #BirdCam #Birds #SFBABirds #BirdBath #BackyardBirds
#chickadee #chestnutbackedchickadee #titmouse #oaktitmouse #eastbaybirds #birdcam #birds #sfbabirds #birdbath #backyardbirds