#sfdc status is playing happy happy la la land:
[edwin@vultr ~]$ curl https://xxxxx.lightning.force.com/lightning/r/Report/00O1B000009Tykn/view
curl: (56) OpenSSL SSL_read: Connection reset by peer, errno 54
There was a time that outages like this would make me run to that bird site to see if it's everybody or just me...
Are we going backwards? Is it really easier to get rid of low performers than to actually coach and develop?
Why are we regressing?
#performancemanagement #aws #meta #sfdc #shopify
This is one heck of an article. It may be behind a paywall for you and if it is, you are going to want to find a way to get it.
#leadership #meta #sfdc #google #microsoft #amazon
Also hey since I’m on the #tech.lgbt server here’s my #introduction credentials: I know no actual coding outside of being a tech nerd (jailbroke my phone til it just wasn’t realistic anymore) but I work in finance for a saas tech company and use salesforce #SFDC A LOT so any sort of people familiar in that space I’m super happy to follow for the betterment of my career 😂