I am really glag I had the opportunity to present our ongoing work on alien #birds a the #sfe2gfoe conference in #Metz2022
Thanks @CelineBellard for supervising this project on #island and #biogeography !
#birds #sfe2gfoe #metz2022 #Island #biogeography
Agnes Ardanuy did her first talk about the #BloBiForM project this morning at #sfe2gfoe meeting, congrats! A nice snaphot on beetle communities dwelling in polypores that grows on the trunk of forest trees 🪳🍄🌳. The trophic structure of these communities do not show significant change among nearby polypores while the underpinning taxonomic composition does. This may suggest functional redundancy within feeding guilds.
Great talk by Annie Ouin at #sfe2gfoe meeting this morning about pollination 🐝 response to lanscape heterogeneity. If availability of nesting sites is the limiting factor for pollinator pop dynamics, adding floral resources may increase competition for pollinators between plants at landscape scale 🤯
RT @JoanCasanelles@twitter.com
Interested in wild bee diversity patterns and implications for their conservation? Check my poster n. 00158 at #sfe2gfoe #metz2022 in the Biogeography section 🐝🇨🇭⛰️
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JoanCasanelles/status/1595041994514247680