Worked a LOT on TFS today. Added whole new scenes early in the work and pushed to the end of Chapter Sixteen. The draft is now 103,857 words and I’m feeling good about all the material! They say not to edit as you go, but sometimes cleaning things up feels like making the book fresh. I’m actually excited to keep going!
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#AmWritingSFF #amwriting #sffbook #sff #AllOurSinsSeries #TheFirstSinWIP
Say the word "karnikur" to a skarastaja and it will strike immediate fear into their heart. The flesh reapers are fearsome predators that roam the surface of Berwen...and the skarastaja are their prey of choice.
This is the last day of #languary! Thank you all for accompanying me on this journey through the årdrakin and skarastaja languages. ♥
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#AmWritingSFF #amwriting #sff #sffbook #conlang #languary2023 #TheFirstSinWIP #AllOurSinsSeries #languary
Senecíní is the most important substance in the årdrakin empire. It means "star crystal" and powers their ability to travel faster than light. The crystals also contain perceptive energy and are capable of healing themselves if damaged. But in their unrefined state they are highly explosive!
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#AmWritingSFF #amwriting #sff #sffbook #conlang #languary2023 #TheFirstSinWIP #AllOurSinsSeries
The skarastaja have traditions and rituals like many races. One of their most important rituals requires choosing members of the Whole as sacrifices to Talgor in exchange for His continued blessing through the dark season.
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#AmWritingSFF #amwriting #sff #sffbook #conlang #languary2023 #TheFirstSinWIP #AllOurSinsSeries
My author copies of the paperback of DESTROYER OF LIGHT arrived. I must admit TOR did a good job cus they're kinda beautiful. #sff #sffbook #afrofuturism #fantasy #literature
#sff #sffbook #afrofuturism #fantasy #literature
What does it say about a culture like the ådrakin's where the word for "prey" and "food animal" is also the word for "victim"? What do you think?
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#AmWritingSFF #amwriting #sff #sffbook #conlang #languary2023 #TheFirstSinWIP #AllOurSinsSeries
Did your mother teach you to share? For the skarastaja, sharing is a major part of their culture, the better to ensure the survival of the Whole in an otherwise harsh environment. The #languary word for this is "uptul".
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The årdrakin are a highly advanced race, but even they need somewhere to store their information. The #languary word for it is "sí'nektú", which means "archive" and is literally translated as "databank".
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#AmWritingSFF #amwriting #sff #sffbook #conlang #languary2023 #TheFirstSinWIP #AllOurSinsSeries #languary
When the skarastaja first meet the årdrakin, they call them "onhita" because they think the crash survivors are actually emissaries from Talgor.
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#AmWritingSFF #amwriting #sff #sffbook #conlang #languary2023 #TheFirstSinWIP #AllOurSinsSeries
How would you describe a rainbow? In the årdrakin language, they use the #languary word "dekes rúll", which very fancifully is literally translated as "color smoke".
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#AmWritingSFF #amwriting #sff #sffbook #conlang #languary2023 #TheFirstSinWIP #AllOurSinsSeries #languary
Today's #languary word is one I've mentioned before... The skarastaja people call themselves the "Children of the Sun", which makes sense since they see Talgor, their sun god, as their Divine Father.
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#AmWritingSFF #amwriting #sff #sffbook #conlang #languary2023 #TheFirstSinWIP #AllOurSinsSeries #languary
In årdrakin society, daughters have equal footing to sons, including in matters of succession (though children who find themselves in line to inherit, even when it concerns a position of power, are promoted based on merit rather than birth order).
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#languary #AmWritingSFF #amwriting #sff #sffbook #conlang #languary2023 #TheFirstSinWIP #AllOurSinsSeries
There are very few trees left on Berwen. The ones that do survive live in subterranean garden caves and grow only a meter or two high. Instead of sturdy branches, they have tendrils that sweep downward from the crown kind of like tentacles.
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#languary #AmWritingSFF #amwriting #sff #sffbook #conlang #languary2023 #TheFirstSinWIP #AllOurSinsSeries
Just as how we might talk about our "forefathers", the årdrakin also talk about their "foremothers" using the #languary word úyåma.
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#AmWritingSFF #amwriting #sff #sffbook #conlang #languary2023 #TheFirstSinWIP #AllOurSinsSeries #languary
This #languary word, yizo, comes from the skarastaja language and means "orbit" or "year". It's a strange thing, that the otherwise low-tech skarastaja have an understanding of what an "orbit" might be, isn't it?
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#AmWritingSFF #amwriting #sff #sffbook #conlang #languary2023 #TheFirstSinWIP #AllOurSinsSeries #languary
Perhaps a bit on the nose, but today's #languary word is the årdrakin "besånshí", which means "pandemic". Pandemics aren't often seen in the advanced årdrakin society, but they have known rampant disease and the deaths it brings in their history.
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#AmWritingSFF #amwriting #sff #sffbook #conlang #languary2023 #TheFirstSinWIP #AllOurSinsSeries #languary
This #languary word makes an appearance in TFS. It's used by Cerobi when she first meets the skydwellers, but the skydwellers don't understand what she means. "Yakĕyi" means "open", such as to open a gift.
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#AmWritingSFF #amwriting #sff #sffbook #conlang #languary2023 #TheFirstSinWIP #AllOurSinsSeries #languary
This #languary word is another one that I might end up changing. "Mae" is the årdrakin word for "right; proper; just" and would be a fairly important word to them, but of course it sounds exactly like the English "may".
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#AmWritingSFF #amwriting #sff #sffbook #conlang #languary2023 #TheFirstSinWIP #AllOurSinsSeries #languary
If "tújimú shizål" is "belief house", then "Vek Ålna" is the most important belief house the årdrakin have. Basically their Vatican, this #languary word translates literally as "black spire" owing to the shape and color of the mountain that towers over the temple.
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#sffbook #sciencefantasy #sff #AmWritingSFF #conlang #languary2023 #TheFirstSinWIP #AllOurSinsSeries #languary
Talgor is the divine Father of the Whole, Bestower of the mystic light, Dispeller of darkness, and Destroyer of all worlds. His sacred symbol graces the image for the skarastaja posts.
The skarastaja are sun worshippers. In reality, their world is quickly being roasted into oblivion by an aging massive star. How the low-tech skarastaja manage to understand this phenomenon as a basis for their religion is a mystery in TFS.
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#sff #sffbook #conlang #languary2023 #TheFirstSinWIP #AllOurSinsSeries