imperator (plural, imperatrix) - Roman title for a commander, given to a victorious general
#AppendixNLocutionOfTheDay from Gene Wolfe's The Sword of the Lictor. Severian attempts to flatter the two-headed giant Typhon.
#AppendixN #GeneWolfe #TheBookOfTheNewSun #sffbookclub #dyingearth
#appendixnlocutionoftheday #AppendixN #genewolfe #thebookofthenewsun #sffbookclub #DyingEarth
levinbolt - a lightning strike or bolt
#AppendixNLocutionOfTheDay from Fritz Leiber's Swords Against Death, from the story The Circle Curse. Lightning illuminates Sheelba's robes, filled with empty blackness, as she gives a message to Fafhrd and the Mouser.
#AppendixN #FritzLeiber #FafhrdAndTheGrayMouser #sffbookclub #swordandsorcery
#appendixnlocutionoftheday #AppendixN #fritzleiber #fafhrdandthegraymouser #sffbookclub #swordandsorcery
defile - a steep-sided, narrow gorge or passage (originally one requiring troops to march in single file)
#AppendixNLocutionOfTheDay from Roger Zelazny's Nine Princes in Amber. Corwin watches the fires of Bleys's army in a chasm below.
#AppendixN #RogerZelazny #ChroniclesOfAmber #sff #sffbookclub
#appendixnlocutionoftheday #AppendixN #RogerZelazny #chroniclesofamber #sff #sffbookclub
El Planeta Perdido
Misión de rescate futurista en el universo Eagle Hammer
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my immediate thought was The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers but now i want to hear what else fits this theme?
@SansSeryph I know of one that has been going for years. It's organized by (I don't think federates with though) and they use the hashtag #SFFBookClub.
stithy - an anvil, or a forge or smithy
#AppendixNLocutionOfTheDay from Zelazny's Nine Princes in Amber. Eric orders his brother Corwin be maimed.
#AppendixN #ChroniclesOfAmber #RogerZelazny #sffbookclub #sff
#appendixnlocutionoftheday #AppendixN #chroniclesofamber #RogerZelazny #sffbookclub #sff
ruff - a projecting starched frill worn around the neck, characteristic of Elizabethan or Jacobean costume
#AppendixNLocutionOfTheDay from Mervyn Peake's Titus Groan. A playful white rook in Lady Groan's bedchambers pecks at its tail, causing the feathers around its neck to stand up.
#AppendixN #Gormenghast #TitusGroan #MervynPeake #sff #sffbookclub
#appendixnlocutionoftheday #AppendixN #gormenghast #titusgroan #MervynPeake #sff #sffbookclub
rampant - [Heraldry] (of an animal) represented standing on one hind foot with its forefeet in the air (typically in profile, facing the dexter (left) side, with right hind foot and tail raised, unless otherwise specified)
#AppendixNLocutionOfTheDay from Zelazny's Nine Princes in Amber. Corwin recalls his father Oberon's banner, depicting a white unicorn on a green field.
#AppendixN #Heraldry #RogerZelazny #NinePrincesInAmber #SFF #SFFBookClub
#appendixnlocutionoftheday #AppendixN #heraldry #RogerZelazny #nineprincesinamber #sff #sffbookclub
recreant - a coward, or a person is unfaithful in belief, an apostate
#AppendixNLocutionOfTheDay from Zelazny's Nine Princes in Amber. Moire, on the throne at Rebma, looks down in judgment at Random.
#AppendixN #NinePrincesInAmber #RogerZelazny #sffbookclub #sff
#appendixnlocutionoftheday #AppendixN #nineprincesinamber #RogerZelazny #sffbookclub #sff
contemporary Sri Lankan SFF for your reading pleasure!
@groggydog #3GoodThings #mosstodon #bookstodon #sffbookclub #catsofmastodon #dogsofmastodon
these may be nice for you :D Otherwise consider your interests, type it in and see what you find! You can often find people using hashtags you may want to latch onto. Also you can add multiple hashtags to one hashtag grouping which is extra nice if using the advanced web interface.
#3goodthings #Mosstodon #bookstodon #sffbookclub #catsofmastodon #dogsofmastodon
Just discovered and started reading The Final Architect Series by Adrian Tchicovsky @aptshadow #SffBookClub
vitreous - like glass in appearance or physical properties; (of a substance) derived from or containing glass
#appendixnlocutionoftheday from Vance's The Dying Earth. In the dome at the top of the Tower of Fate, Ulan Dohr and Elai find a black and vitreous cylinder sitting on a pedestal.
#appendixnlocutionoftheday #AppendixN #DyingEarth #jackvance #sffbookclub #sff
@OffFleekGeek @Gazimoff Yes! I recently discovered this and it's been so lovely!
Hashtags I have pinned: #ttrpg #dnd #ttrpgs #dnd5e
#WorldOfWarcraft #Warcraft #gaming #games
#bookstodon #books #amreading #spfbo #sffbookclub
#catsofmastodon #dogsofmastodon
#crossstitch #blackwork
#horror #fantasy
#paganism #pagan #witch #witchcraft #polytheism
#folklore #paranormal #3goodthings #history #anime
always looking for more to extend the community reach :D
#ttrpg #dnd #ttrpgs #dnd5e #worldofwarcraft #warcraft #gaming #games #bookstodon #books #amreading #spfbo #sffbookclub #catsofmastodon #dogsofmastodon #crossstitch #blackwork #horror #fantasy #Mosstodon #paganism #pagan #witch #witchcraft #polytheism #folklore #paranormal #3goodthings #history #anime
diadem - a type of crown; a headband worn especially as a symbol of royalty. Originally, embroidered white silk ribbon worn by kings and victorious athletes. Later, a metal band or ring worn around the head, with the "fillet" form. Tiaras are also called diadems.
#appendixnlocutionoftheday from Howard's Conan story The God in the Bowl. Conan, and others, seek the diadem of the giant-kings.
#appendixn #conan #conanthebarbarian #robertehoward #swordandsorcery #fantasy #sff #sffbookclub
#appendixnlocutionoftheday #AppendixN #conan #conanthebarbarian #robertehoward #swordandsorcery #fantasy #sff #sffbookclub
Continuing on in the first Elric book I'm struck by how few words I'm pulling. Unlike the other Appendix N works I've been reading, Moorcock seems less concerned with archaic terms or linguistic play. The straightforward writing style suits the glam cool-as-fuck energy.
#sffbookclub #sff #AppendixN #elric #michaelmoorcock
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El Planeta Perdido
Misión de rescate futurista en el universo Eagle Hammer
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