"SFWA Stands in Solidarity with the WGA": SFWA's statement of support regarding the #WGAStrike –
Limited scholarships are available now for in-person Nebula conference attendance, including hotel room (please use covid precautions if you go in person): https://www.sfwa.org/2023/05/04/the-future-of-the-sfwa-nebula-conference-in-person-nebula-scholarships-now-available/
Link also has information about the (lack of a?) future for the Nebula conference
This FAQ has more information about actions that count as crossing a picket line, including negotiating options: https://www.wgacontract2023.org/strike/strike-rules-faq
Make sure your writer and agent colleagues know!
#writingcommunity #sffnews #wgastrong
Huh. Bytedance, Tiktok's parent company, appears to be hiring an acquisitions editor. (As in, for books.) You can see it here: https://jobs.bytedance.com/en/position/7187831249355213115/detail
I found out about it via this post: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRw8oAnu/
The Locus Awards weekend will be based in Oakland CA June 21-24 this year, but you can get an online ticket for $35 (sliding scale memberships are also available!)
Glasgow 2024 Worldcon is now live with an event on Chinese Speculative Fiction: https://youtube.com/live/ezefTtxP3z0?feature=share #SFFNews #bookstodon
Roleplay Ukraine 2023 is an online event to "bring together English-speaking players from across the globe, build connections and celebrate both imaginative and real heroes". It's free to attend but they will also be raising money for a relief caravan. I don't have any personal connections to the event but here are their links:
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/939749737221277/
Discord: https://discord.gg/w5pGWVD5uD
Today's the last day to vote in the Nebula Awards! If you're a SFWA member, log into your account to find your ballot (and the packet of readings etc.). Associate members can vote, not only full members! #NebulaAwards #SFFNews
From Grist: "Submissions for our 2023/2024 contest are now open. We’re looking for stories of 3,000 to 5,000 words that envision the next 180 years of climate progress — roughly seven generations – imagining intersectional worlds of abundance, adaptation, reform, and hope." 9 finalists get $300, 3 winners get $1000-$3000. No entry fee. Deadline June 13, 2023. https://grist.org/climate-fiction/imagine-2200-contest-submissions/
h/t 🎩 @PhilaWritersCon
Cached version of the article about the (unsurprising?) cancellation of #E3, as the original page has been overwhelmed with traffic: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:dPyEIlgDS5sJ:https://www.ign.com/articles/e3-has-been-canceled&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
The #4thStFantasy proposed programming list has been posted: https://4thstreetfantasy.com/2023-programming-proposed/
4th Street is a "small, intense, conversational convention about fantasy fiction" that takes place in Minneapolis MN USA on June 16-18, 2023. If you're interested in participating in any of the panels, let them know. (Yes, it is in-person.) #SFFNews
It's the last 21 hours to back Small Wonders, a new flash fiction + poetry magazine. We lost a major flash venue last year, so it would be great to gain a new one. Consider backing it? https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cislyn/small-wonders-magazine-year-one
(Flash stories are very short, around 1000 words or even less. Difficult to write, and they can pack a punch!)
If you're looking for artists to commission, illustrations for your publication, etc., please check out the #VisibleWomen hashtag!
Not every artist takes commissions, but either way, you get to look at a bunch of gorgeous artwork, and that's a win. #SFFNews
Check out the 2023 World SF Bundle, curated by Lavie Tidhar, including titles like
- Hadithi & the State of Black Speculative Fiction by Eugen Bacon and Milton Davis
- HebrewPunk by Lavie Tidhar
- Nova Hellas: Stories from Future Greece edited by Francesca T Barbini and Francesco Verso
- And What Can We Offer You Tonight by Premee Mohamed
:trans_heart: There are lots of offers of books, links to fundraisers, and book recommendations in the #TransRightsReadathon tag–please check it out soon, as the event is this week only #SFFnews :trans_heart:
#transrightsreadathon #sffnews
Ugh. This is from #CreativeFabrica - time to delete my account. SFF publications, please don't use this kind of thing for your illustrations--especially if you're then going to gripe about getting shoddy LLM/"AI"-"written" stories. I haven't seen that combo yet but feels like it's only a matter of time 😬
(See my last boost for something that might be relevant here, though I don't know if it would help in this specific case.)
🆓 The Flights of Foundry program is up: https://flights-of-foundry.org/program-2/
I strongly recommend this 100% ONLINE international science fiction and fantasy convention - they have programming for all time zones, a wide variety of topics for writers & fans, and it's free/pay-what-you-can. There's an active Discord that persists before and after the event, too.
Take a look at the program and join me in attending! #SFFNews
If you missed the #NebulaAwards stream last night in which they announced the nominees, it's worth watching the video anyway. They have real actors deliver excerpts from the nominated works, and it's just a cool experience. The video is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nZqRdcKVeg
List of finalists: https://nebulas.sfwa.org/58th-nebula-awards-finalists/
PSA: *Many* sff writers, including your humble correspondent, have received multiple copies of a supposed newsletter subscription email with a subject line containing ableist and homophobic slurs. (The good news is that most people's spam filters caught it before they saw it.)
I’m mentioning it here solely to reassure you that if you DID see it, you aren't the only one who got it, and it's unlikely that you're a specific target :Blobhaj_Heart_Rainbow: #SFFNews
Last day for Nebula nominations, #sfwa people: https://www.sfwa.org/forum/ballots/ It's OK to just fill out a little bit if that’s all you’ve got.
If you’re looking at the reading list to refresh your memory and/or add a last-minute entry (worth doing, as it’ll make the work info autocomplete on the ballot), make sure to switch to the 2022 view. It defaults to 2023. #SFFNews