I had a great time at the Southern Fried Gaming Expo #sfge and Vintage Computer Festival Southeast #vcfse this weekend.
I got to see and play with tons of cool equipment as well as all the awesome arcade and pinball machines. I even got to meet Adrian from Adrian's Digital Basement.
New Post: https://twitter.com/AtlantaPFS/status/1637590007203471361 #PaizoOrgPlay, #DragonCon, #MomoCon, #SFGE
#paizoorgplay #dragoncon #momocon #sfge
🆕 🎡 Un max de sensations pour le parc #SixFlags Great Escape, avec #AdirondackOutlaw. Une #attraction de type #Vomatron de chez #Funtime (vidéo) ➡️ http://bit.ly/2MMMcK1 #SFGE #themeparks
#Themeparks #sfge #funtime #vomatron #attraction #adirondackoutlaw #sixflags
New Post: https://twitter.com/AtlantaPFS/status/1601985166217551872 AtlantaPFS is looking for volunteers for 2023 Convention season. We currently run tables at #MariettaTheGathering, #MomoCon, #SFGE, and #DragonCon. Volunteer at https://t.co/h9WNyqlgT7 #pathfinder2e #Starfinder, #pathfinder https://t.co/sdUWAKcaU2
#mariettathegathering #momocon #sfge #dragoncon #pathfinder2e #starfinder #pathfinder
New Post: https://twitter.com/AtlantaPFS/status/1599448452433383426 AtlantaPFS is looking for volunteers for 2023 Convention season. We currently run tables at #MariettaTheGathering, #MomoCon, #SFGE, and #DragonCon. Volunteer at https://t.co/h9WNyqlgT7 #pathfinder2e #Starfinder, #pathfinder https://t.co/tSKqUletcg
#mariettathegathering #momocon #sfge #dragoncon #pathfinder2e #starfinder #pathfinder