It gives me great pleasure to welcome #scala community's very own :scala: @NicolasRinaudo :scala: to Bay Area Haskell & Functional Programming User Group #sfhaskell with a taik:
Things that are things, but not other things
Full Details:
It will be streamed live online at a timezone friendly time in USA & Europe.
Hope to see everyone and hear all about #functionalprogramming abstractions #monads #applicative #functors #scala #haskell
#scala #sfhaskell #functionalprogramming #monads #applicative #functors #haskell
It gives us great pleasure to welcome Ryan Orendorff to #sfhaskell #meetup with an awesome talk:
Who got some #Agda in my #Haskell?
This event is both USA and EUROPE Timezone friendly online! RSVP and see everyone there!
Full detailsππ
#sfhaskell #meetup #agda #haskell
In November 2022, I had the pleasure of welcoming @hdgarrood as our speaker at Bay Area #Haskell User Group #meetup with a talk: Easy incremental builds with GHC 9.4.
Recording is now available! π π
Recording is also available on my #peertube here:
Reminder: You can use your #mastodon account to like/comment/subscribe/follow on #peertube !
Enjoy all, awesome talk!
#haskell #meetup #sfhaskell #ghc #peertube #mastodon
In November 2022 I had the great pleasure of having @chshersh as our speaker at Bay Area Haskell & Functional Programming User Group #meetup with a Beginner-friendly introduction to Free Monads.
Recording is now available! π
#haskell #sfhaskell #functionalprogramming #fp ππ
Recording is also available on my #peertube here:
Reminder: You can use your #mastodon account to like/comment/subscribe/follow on #peertube !
Enjoy all, awesome talk!
#meetup #haskell #sfhaskell #functionalprogramming #fp #peertube #mastodon
It gives me great pleasure to welcome to #sanfrancisco #haskell #functionalprogramming user group #meetup two great speakers: Beginner-friendly introduction to Free Monads by π» Dmitrii Kovanikov & Easy incremental builds with GHC 9.4 by Harry Garrood. It's online at a USA & Europe Timezone friendly time. Hope to see everyone there. Full details π #sfhaskell π
#sanfrancisco #haskell #functionalprogramming #meetup #sfhaskell
You can now watch the awesome talk: Supercharging Data with SQL and Haskell By Ozgun Ataman on our #PeerTube ad-free #sfhaskell #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #fp
#peertube #sfhaskell #haskell #functionalprogramming #fp
You can now watch the awesome talk: Namespaced DeBruijn Indices By Gabriella Gonzalez #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming on our #PeerTube ad-free #sfhaskell
#haskell #functionalprogramming #peertube #sfhaskell