RT @LibreSpace_Fnd@twitter.com
We've just published an update post. It includes the #OSCW19 date and venue announcement, @esa@twitter.com #SOCIS list of projects. @LibreSpace_Fnd@twitter.com presentation at @flosskosova@twitter.com #sfk19 and a list of upcoming events we will have a presence at. Check it out here https://libre.space/2019/05/01/libre-space-activity-update-2019-05-01/
RT @concreted0g@twitter.com
So long day travelling home tomorrow. #Kosovo has been amazing. Loved #sfk19 and the @flosskosova@twitter.com crew. Thank you for your hard work. @PRNHackerspace@twitter.com thanks for all the beers and raki today. I followed the flow chart well! :) #hackerspace
RT @aziflaj@twitter.com
Last week I was one of the speakers at #SFK19 organized by @Flossk@twitter.com. You can find the slides here #ruby #oss #libre
Ruby is dead. Long live Ruby https://speakerdeck.com/aziflaj/ruby-is-dead-long-live-ruby
RT @OpenLabsAlbania@twitter.com
Members from the Open Labs community joined #SFK19 during the past days. Amazing conference! Congrats @flosskosova@twitter.com for organizing it!
See you next year friends 👋👋
See you another time rocket-man.
RT @concreted0g@twitter.com
So long day travelling home tomorrow. #Kosovo has been amazing. Loved #sfk19 and the @flosskosova crew. Thank you for your hard work. @PRNHackerspace thanks for all the beers and raki today. I followed the flow chart well! :) #hackerspace
RT @collective68@twitter.com
Very pleasant today to join the third day of #SFK19 in Pristina, organised by @flosskosova@twitter.com. This year's edition has confirmed once more the conference as an important #FLOSS event in the region, gathering hacktivists, professionals and open source enthusiasts. 👩💻⚡
The last speaker for tonight is @betimdrenica@twitter.com talking about Scalable architectures in the Cloud Era. #sfk19
Marko Kazhich talks about building the school 2.0, for free education and free culture. #sfk19
Jora Kasapi presenting the pilot-project and website about the architectural buildings of Tirana that have been forgoten- http://Preservingtirana.city #sfk19
The first speaker for tonight is Giannis Konstantinidis talking about Post-GDPR Privacy and Data Protection of Open Source Projects @gianniskon@twitter.com #sfk19
RT @kristicunga@twitter.com
This amazing workshop about brewing and Internet of Things at #sfk19. A lot of things to learn in Pristina 🇽🇰
Today's last workshop has to do with Home automation by Daniel Pocock #sfk19